*Part 28*

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Sanyukta's Pov

After our sweet morning kiss we had a good breakfast with nani and decided to go college together on his bike.
"Sanyu come on now atleast you can sit close to me. I am your boyfriend!" randhir complained by noticing  the gap I left between us.
"okay boyfriend" I chuckled and sat more close to him while holding him a back hug.
"That's better" he smiled.

After few minutes we reached our college. He took my hand in his startling me. I looked here and there in embarrassment.
"Are you in garden? you can't do that in college"
"What a boring gf I got who doesn't know anything about romance" he huffed.
"Then go look for another gf" I pushed him and that Idiot actually started walking in other direction.
"where are you going?"
"As you told I am going to look for another gf" he grinned like a naughty kid. I stomped upto him and took his hand back into mine "Try that and see then what happens" I warned him.
"Is my baby jealous?" he teased but I gave him one look which got his mouth shut. Good I still haven't lost my anger charms on him. You know I like to keep people in check every now and then so they understand not to mess with me.

"Class is about to start let's go" I pulled him to our classroom. I wanted to sit next to sammy as usual but he insisted we should sit together as it's our first day as couple. I don't get why that is necessary? May be it is for him. He is right I really suck in romance department. While I was engrossed in my own head I felt him staring at me. I've noticed he really has this bad habit of staring. Usually I get uncomfortable when someone stares at me but not with him. Instead he makes me blush.
"Look ahead professor is over there" I whispered.
"Why should I stare at that old man when I can stare at my beautiful girlfriend?" he said making me blush more.
"Randhir stop it"
"Aww my baby looks so cute while blushing" he said in a baby tone.
"God not that baby thing" I frowned and looked away on which he chuckled.

After sometime I heard some shuffling so I looked at him in confusion when I saw him removing his shoes. What is he doing? I wondered that's when he slowly started rubbing his leg on mine seductively making me almost jump. I widened my orbs on that tingling sensation and gave him wtf look but that didn't seem to bother him as he moved his leg up ahead.
"Randhir are you mad?" I tried to shift away from him but unfortunately our desk was not that big!
"Seducing my gf" he winked.
"Shameless" I glared at him.
"Randhir and Sanyukta would you guys like to share what you are talking about to class? or you prefer going out?" professor warned them.
"Sorry Sir" I quickly apologized and glared at randhir hard. I seriously don't like to be the centre of attraction of the whole class. I gave randhir warning not to do anything like that again but randhir being randhir sat quiet for few minutes but then started again with his antics.
This time he placed his hand on my knee and started making circular patterns. Oh god this guy!
"Randhir I'll kill you" I pushed his hand away.

Randhir gave a naughty grin and moved his hand again to my knees up to my thighs and started rubbing them slowly yet seductively making it impossible for me to hold it. I bit my lip to suppress my moan but the feeling I was getting was too high so I immediately stood up from my place resulting all my books to fell down thus making noise and disturbing the whole class.

"Miss sanyukta out of the my
class now..!" the professor scolded me.
Why should I leave the class when it's not my fault entirely? I glared at randhir and left the class.

After I left from class I decided to eat something to ease my anger so I went to canteen and busied myself in eating my favorite noodles. But seems like my peaceful eating was short as soon randhir came and joined me "so how it feels to get kicked out of class for the first time?" he asked but I decided to ignore him.

I could tell he was trying hard to suppress his laugh.
"okay I'm sorry I was just kidding I didn't thought professor will throw you out"
I looked at him ans twisted my lips.
"Baba I'm really sorry" he said with a weird pout. May be he was trying to look cute? but it was not looking cute at all. I laughed at his sad attempt of making pout.
"Randhir do anything but never try to pout. You look like a weirdo"
"Well it's good atleast it made you laugh but you know I can do lot of other things with my pout?" he brought his pout face closer to mine.
"Hopeless" I slapped his arm and pushed him away.
"Thanks" he chuckled snatching my plate of noodles away and started globbing it.
"leave something for me" I folded my arms around my chest making a pout.
"Aaah" He told me to open my mouth as he took a spoonful of noodles and made me eat it. I smiled in return "That's how you should pout and get your things done" I took the spoon from him and snatched my plate back and continued to eat it.
"Cheater" He frowned. I laughed at him but suddenly I got a call from an unknown number so I picked it.
"Hello?" I asked again but no answer.

"who?" Randhir asked I shrugged in return
"may be wrong number" I lied as I couldn't tell him that I was getting blank calls since yesterday. I didn't wanted him to worry.


Thnku ^_^

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