*Part 11*

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Randhir's Pov continued

I'm getting more and more restless wondering if sanyukta is mad at me because she is avoiding me since the morning incident and I am not liking it at all!!!
This needs to stop or else I'll become crazy. Whenever I tried to talk to her she showed as if she is busy in something or someone called her for help!
Vardhan Sir had assorted everyone tasks and all were busy in that only making it hard for me to contact her!
How Am I supposed to talk to her? Suddenly my gaze felt on notepad and pen so I decided to write a note to her like last time
"I need to talk to you plz meet me at backside lane
- R"
I quickly wrote and crumbled that paper into paper ball and threw it in sanyukta's direction.
Grinning happily to myself I went to backside lane to wait for her

After waiting for 15mins someone finally arrived but unfortunately it was not sanyukta! Why god why? It was some other chick from their class Ishika her name I guess? But what caught my attention was the same note that I threw in sanyukta's direction
Wtf? Why is that note in her hand?before I could ask her anything she hugged me out of blue!!!!

"Ohh Randhir I knew it you were interested in me..I am so happy" Ishika purred like a happy cat in his arms

Interested in her? Since when?
I shook my head and tried to pull her away from me but she was clinging to me like a fucking koala

"Excuse! get off me" I tried again

"No baby don't try to deny this attraction between us I know you feel the same way that's why you called me here"


"There is some misunderstanding get off" I groaned

Just then sanyukta arrived and gave us a confusion look
"Sanyukta please help me" I gave her a pleading look but I think she thought it was amusing scene as she started laughing like a mad women
"Why the hell are you laughing? Please get her away from me"

"Since when you started running away from girls? Isn't it what you love?" She pointed at ishika
Not since I saw you! I wanted to reply but stopped

"See I do run after girls but not after bimbos like her" I tried to make her understand

"Okay fine! Girl I guess you have harrassed him enough leave him" she pushed ishika away from me making me sigh in relief

"What is your problem? He is mine! He called me here" Ishika snapped at her

Sanyukta eyed me warily...
"No I didn't! I wanted you to meet me here not her I swear" I said to make my point clear as I didn't want her to get any bad ideas about me

"Let's go" she took my hand in her and pulled us away from that clingy koala

"That was hilarious" she laughed and left my hand hanging in air
"Never imagined I'll get to see this day where a guy like you will have a problem from getting away from a girl" she laughed more making me stare at her in awe...the way she laughed made me happy...I swear she is too adorable!!!!

"Your face was worth watching haha" she shook her head and looked at him

"Okay enough" I faked a frown
"Sorry let's go back" she smiled
Okay that was a good sign she smiled plus she is talking with me means she is not mad at me.
"For morning incident I'm sorry" I apologised
"Chill it's okay that was not your fault" she said with an assuring smile
"How is your head?"
"Fine..I was just embarrassed nothing else" she looked down
"Okay let's go back" I smiled happily contained that everything was okay between us.


Thnku ^_^

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