*Part 31*

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Sanyukta's Pov

It was sunday morning, that means after long week finally a day to sleep in forgetting all your worries so that's what I was doing sleeping! But as usual my boyfriend won't let me sleep peacefully as my cell phone flashed with his name.
"Hello" I answered in sleepy tone.
"Good morning girlfriend" Randhir answered back in excited voice.
"Morning" I replied in same sleepy voice.
"Sanyukta atleast once answer my call with excitement"
"Randhir its sunday I was sleeping and you disturbed my sleep then how do you expect me to sound excited?"
"Disturbed? oh sorry for disturbing you bye"  and with that sarcastic comment he hang up. I stared at my cell phone blankly for 2 minutes. Oh god sanyukta was that necessary? can't you behave like a normal girlfriend? poor guy has to deal with my mood swings. But what can I do I'm not really a person that likes to talk over phone! Now I made him angry!

Just then nani entered my room.
"Sanyukta be ready fast. I have a surprise for you" nani said.
"Surprise??" I asked happily.
"Yeah go get ready fast" nani chipped.

I quickly got up and did all my morning business excited to know what nani had surprise for me? When I got down at the same time door bell rang. I looked at nani who was sitting in living room.
"Go open the door your surprise is here"

I opened the door in excitement and saw my
mom standing outside.
"Mom" I jumped happily and took her in a tight hug.
"You here all of sudden? where is papa? is he here too?"
"Thought of giving you a surprise visit and no your papa didn't come with me but I brought someone else with me" mom grinned happily
Someone else? if not papa then who? I wondered.
"Parth come inside." mom went out to get him.

Parth? Did she just called parth's name? I clenched my fists to keep my calm and stared at the door blankly waiting for the person I hate the most to enter my house and life again. I remembered his text where he wrote he will be back soon! lol since when did he followed his words so seriously?

"Look parth is here. He is back from US. He wanted to meet you so I brought him with me" mom said happily as she was unaware about my and parth's past.

Parth entered with a wide grin on his face.
"Chubby" he called out for me with a nick name he always used it since childhood.
"Chubby.. chubby I missed you so much" He took me in his arms catching me off guard. I stood there like a statue.
"Haha she looks so surprised. Parth our plan worked" mom laughed
Trust me mom surprised would be an understatement. I pulled myself out of his embrace.
"I guess you must be tired you should go rest" I told in a cold voice without meeting his gaze and left from there. On my way back to my room I heard mom and Parth talking.
"What happened to her?" mom asked parth.
"Nothing aunty she is just angry at me but don't worry I'll talk to her" parth replied her.
Talk? as if I will listen to your talks. I scoffed.

I went to my room and jumped on my bed and stared at my ceiling.Why can't I have normal life?

I heard two knocks on my window and with that randhir entered my room.
"Hello over here you are still sleeping after making me angry and I came here to check if you're angry" he frowned.

I kept mum.

"What's wrong why are you quiet?"
"Who told you to come here? Why are you here? Just leave. I don't wanna talk to you so please leave me alone" I yelled on him removing all my frustration on him.

He looked dumbstruck.
"Just leave" I pushed him towards the window.
"Sanyukta tell me what's wrong with you?"
"Nothing I said leave" I screamed in irritation.
"Fine get lost" he too yelled in irritation and turned to leave.

Why I am removing my frustration on him? he did nothing wrong. I started crying all of sudden. Everything was too much to handle.

"Sanyukta?" he jumped back from the window and took me into his arms.
"I am sorry Randhir" I cried.
"Hey it's okay just tell me what's wrong?" he rubbed my back in a soothing manner.

"Pa- Parth is back" I stammered while hugging him tightly.
"Parth the guy from your past?"
"yeah" I gulped.
"What? why that bastard is b-" he got cut off in between when the door to my room suddenly opened.

We both stared at door where parth was standing with a frown.
"How did you entered her room? Stay away from my sanyukta" Parth warned randhir and pulled me towards him.
"Leave me and for your kind information he is my boyfriend so not him but you should stay away from me" I spat in anger and pulled my mind out of his.
Randhir pulled me back towards him.
"Its better if you stay away from sanyukta and what yours? she is mine only mine"  randhir glared him hard.

Parth laughed
"I am back to take what's mine so don't even think that your few days love will win my sanyukta's heart. I am here to take her back with me"
"I am not going anywhere with you" I glared at him
"I know you're angry at me but trust me I'll make you forgive me and we will go back to how we used to be before. Just you and me and no unwanted people" he mocked while looking at randhir.
Randhir clentched his jaw and hide me behind his back away from parth's eye.
"I guess you are too late so don't even try" rd warned him in a stern voice.
"Late? just wait and watch I'll take away Sanyukta away from front of your eyes" parth challenged him with a smirk and they both glared at each other.

"Sanyukta come down aunty is calling you" parth was the first who broke their glaring competition and left

I looked at randhir feeling  helpless.

"I understand sanyukta you go we will talk about this later" Randhir said while taking me for a hug.

"But Randhir???" I tried to talk

"Don't worry you go. Leave it to me I'll take care of it" he kissed my forehead and with that he left.


Thnku ^_^

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