*Part 10*

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Randhir's  Pov

Today we are going out to social camp for four days...!!!
Four days I get to see sanyukta..that means I will get to know her more
She is just like a puzzle the more I get involved the more I need to find her missing pieces so that I can finally understand her
I am happy atleast I got her friendship. I want more than friendship but I know I need to wait or else she will het scared & run away. I don't want that I want her to trust me and share all her secrets which she is scared of so that I can help her. I need to know why she is like this? A closed book with lot of secrets? The day I will find out why she is like this I will hunt down that source who caused her so much pain and destroy it with my own hands that's for sure!

Anyways I need to concentrate on our four days camp!!!! I'm positive this trip will bring alot of changes in our equations

Everyone was gathered near the college gate ready to leave...
I quickly parked my bike as we all are travelling in bus. I looked around for sanyukta but couldn't find her!
Where is she?
I spotted her bestfriend sammy who looked stressed out and was on phone continuously cussing at someone

"Hey" I approached her trying to be less curious about sanyukta's whereabouts
"Oh hey randhir" she smiled but quickly turned her attention to her phone again
"Where the hell she is? She is not even answering my calls!!! I think that idiot over slept"
"Who are you talking about?" I try to sound puzzled
"As if you don't know who I am talking about" she rolled her eyes
"I am that obvious?" I frowned
This is not good if sammy can detect then sanyukta will also come to know about his feelings and won't be good!
"Yup..anyone can guess by the way you look at her with those puppy love eyes" she chuckled
"I don't give puppy love eyes"
"Yeah Ofcourse" she chuckled more this time
What is wrong with her? I don't look at sanyukta like that! Well I hope so not!!!!
"Aah there she is finally" sammy pushed me aside and went to sanyukta

I turned to look at her...and trust me I believe what sammy said few mins back was true I do look at her some love sick puppy! I can't help it how can someone look so good and innocent everytime?
There she was talking to sammy unaware of my stares
She looked so simple and cute in that oversized yellow tshirt tucked inside her blue jeans
With wet hair and no makeup as if she came here in hurry and no time to get ready yet she looked so pretty
This was one thing I liked about her she didn't tried to look good she looked good in her own way
My staring got disturbed by sammy's annoying voice
"Do you want to change your previous statement?" She smirked making me frown
"What statement?" Sanyukta asked curiously
"Nothing me and randhir had a bet if you would come or not? Randhir was adamant saying you must have overslept and you won't make it on time where as I was sure you will definitely come on time" she grinned happily
What the hell?? What bet? She was the one said all those things not me!

"Randhir did you bet on me?" Sanyukta glared at me
"What...no I didn't she is lying" I glared at sammy who winked at my way
"Whatever lets go" sanyukta rolled her eyes at me & got inside the bus on which sammy laughed just to tease me.

Girls and their annoying bestfriends!!!

I wanted to sit beside her but sammy was already sitting beside her
So I just frowned more and sat with sahil whose seat was behind sanyukta

Soon the journey began...all were busy in chatting and enjoying
But I was already bored to decided to take a small nap. As I was about to close my eyes sanyukta stood up from her seat and tried to place her duffel bag on top cabinet but suddenly driver took a turn causing her to lose her balance! before I could catch her she end up landing on top of me
I blinked twice not sure what just happened?

She is sitting on my lap, her soft hands around my neck with eyes closed in fear
The moment froze as she was sitting so close to me for the first time making my heart go crazy!!!! I could feel her hot breath fanning my cold lips causing me to gulp hard at our proximity..before I could move she opened her eyes
Oh god kill me! The way her hazel orbs met mine I got some tingling spark feeling in my spine...
She looked at me without blinking her lashes as if she was also in same daze as me my mind was getting filled with all those dirty prohibited thoughts!!!! But thanks to sammy's fake cough which stopped them

Feeling embarrassed sanyukta quickly jumped away from me resulting her head getting hit by back seat
"Ouch" she winced
I tried to check on her but she shook her head in a no and went back to seat hurriedly

"Sorry?" I said to no one in particular

I just hope this stunt doesn't make her doubt our friendship!!! I don't want to lose her


Thnku ^_^

10 parts completed *Happy*

Thanks to all readers for supporting I know my chapters are too small but I am trying to make them as good as possible

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