*Part 27*

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Sanyukta's Pov

I was sleeping peacefully when someone decided to ruin my sleep as my phone rang.
Why do people have to call? Can't you just text what you want to say? I'm literally that type of person who will watch my phone ringing but won't pick up! I don't know may be I've some kind of call anxiety. Anyways lemme see who is calling me so early? With eyes still closed I searched for my phone on my bed but couldn't find it so I opened my one eye and found it lying near my leg. How it went there? I pulled it back to me with my leg. Yeah I'm way too lazy so please don't judge.

"Hello?" I answered it in a bored tone.
"You're too late to pick up that call. I already cancelled it" came the reply from the other side. But why this voice sounds more closer than usual?
"Randhir If you cancelled it then how I can still hear your voice?" I asked in confusion then check my phone screen to find it blank!
"Because I am standing behind you girlfriend" he leaned closer and whispered in my ear which was enough to give me a heart attack so reacted naturally and pushed him hard and screamed resulting him to fall down on his butt.

"Don't you think you should treat your boyfriend more lovingly?" he frowned.
"What are you doing here?" I helped him to stand up.
"Well I decided to surprise you but seems like you are not really a fan of surprise" he chuckled ruffling my hair.
"Sorry" I gave him awkward smile.
"I actually came to take something from you"
"My morning kiss" he replied cheekily.
I rolled my eyes "I haven't even brushed yet"
"That's fine with me"
"Eww but I'm not. Let me take shower first then we will go out for breakfast. I love breakfast dates"
"Date huh?" he asked cheekily.
"It's okay if you don't want it as a date" I shrugged to see his reaction.
"Yes it's a date! let's go and I get two kisses for the breakfast" he bargained.
"Haha what if I give you three?" I gave him naughty grin
"Then you should hurry up and quickly get ready" he pushed me in the washroom and closed the door.
Crazy guy!
I quickly did my business and came out and found him standing just outside the door scaring me again.
"Are you really planning to give me heart attack?"
"I am waiting for my three kisses"
"I didn't mention when I'll give you those three kisses" I chuckled and started getting ready.
"That's cheating" he took me in a back hug.
"You're such a baby. Big baby!" I turned in his arms and started combing his hair with my fingers. I'm jealous of his soft hair.
"Don't do that or else I'll get sleepy" he almost fell on me but I stopped him.
"Look at your size then look at my size then think about falling on me you hippo" I teased him.
"Who are you calling hippo? this is called muscles" he flexed his biceps.
"Show off" I shrugged
"Don't try to change the topic I am waiting for my three kisses."
I tiptoed at his level and leaned closer almost touching our foreheads and stared deep into his eyes. I placed my one hand on his chest where I could feel his heart beating rapidly and with the other hand I slowly traced his nape with my fingers.
He closed his eyes in anticipation that's when I smiled deviously
On which both laughed and pecked his both cheeks and nose counting it as three kisses and ran away from him.
"That is not fair Sanyukta" he frowned and followed me
"Babe I gave you three kisses as I promised don't cry" I giggled and we continued running in circles in my room.
"Sanyu what is going on? are you okay?" came nani's voice.
"You should hide" I tried to push him inside the washroom but he didn't move.
"Your nani loves me I don't need to hide" he shrugged arrogantly.

"How many times I should tell you our house has a front door?" nani asked him while entering my room.

"Sorry nani" he smiled sheepishly.
"Are you guys staying for breakfast or going out to eat?"
I looked at nani then at him. Uh no what should I do? I asked him for breakfast date and I can't deny nani also for breakfast. I hope he understands and doesn't get angry if I cancel it.
"We will stay for breakfast nani I'm too hungry" he replied nani before I could making me smile. I love this kind of understanding between two people where you don't need to say anything and then too the person gets what you want to say.
"okay come down I'll set the table" nani chipped and left.

Randhir started again while coming closer.
"Don't you think I deserve those three kissess?"
I smiled at him "yeah you do because you're the best boyfriend I could ask for"
"Did the great Sanyukta Agarwal complimented me? he faked a shock and took me in his arms.
"Should I take my words back?" I encircled my arms around his neck.
"No you can't" and with that he kissed me softly.


Thnku ^_^

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