*Part 7*

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"Sanyu dear why are you standing outside? Come in" nani's voice broke my trance

"How could you get fooled by that idiot sanyukta?" I scolded myself blaming all these stupid hormones which reacted to his touch!!!

"I should have shoved him away but I didn't! Infact I stood still like a statue!!!" I frowned pulling my hair in frustration

"No no sanyukta you won't repeat that same mistake again!!! All are same they try to fool you wity their charm & then break your heart!!! You don't have time for all this stupid things!!! Don't you dare forget why you came here at first place!!!
Ignore him & his silly antics & please don't cry!!!" I tried to convince my self

"That guy is mad totally MADDDDDD!!!" I yelled & turned towards my house

"Stay away from him! Yeah stay away from him" I kept chanting these lines as my new mantra

"Sanyu are you okay? What are you talking about?" Nani asked me in concern

"Nothing" I mumbled avoiding her gaze

"Okay go & freshen up I'll get dinner ready for you"
"You had your dinner?"
"No I was waiting for you dear" nani smiled making me happy
No one can love her more than this woman!

"I'll be back" I smiled & went inside my room

In morning...

Today I came early to college so that I can study in library & have some peace after yesterday's drama

I got so busy that I forgot how long I was sitting here until my cell phone rang
"Sanyu where are you? Come fast lecture is going to start" sammy reminded me

Oh god!

"Yeah yeah I'm coming" I chipped & quickly hurried towards my class

"Thankgod! You are here I thought you ditched me on our second day" sammy chuckled making some space for me

"Sorry I was in library" I apologised & sat next to her.
"Hey girls" came an unwanted annoying voice which she had decided to ignore today but seems like god has his own plans!!!

"Excuse me I think I forgot something in library" I made an silly excuse to avoid him

"But sanyu?" I stoop up & left from there before sammy could make me stop

"What happened to her?" I heard him asking sammy but didn't wait for further their conversation

As I reached around the corner of corridor I sighed in relief
Thankgod no drama till now!!

But I think god really has his plans fixed today because soon I heard some footsteps following me
& I didn't even need to know who was following me!

"Sanyukta wait!" randhir yelled after me as I fastened my speed

"Hey are you ignoring me?" He continued to follow me

"Will you just stop running & answer me?" He made me stop by pulling me abruptly & cornering me near the wall

"Are you mad at me?" he asked while staring at my face as if observing me properly but I decided to ignore him
"I am talking to you! look I am sorry for yesterday" he apologised but I simply continued to ignore him
What's the use of his stupid apology? When he didn't even mean it!! It's better I leave.I sighed ready to leave but he pulled my arm making me look at him!!!

"Just stay away from me" I said calmly. I could sense him losing his patience as his jaw ticked on my response
"What is your problem? I am trying to be nice here but you are making it difficult!! Why you have to show so much attitude??" He snapped at me making me angry but I didn't give him any satisfaction by losing my cool instead I just stared at him blankly

"You know what? Just get lost" he lost his patience! He grabbed my shoulder pushed me back harshly & moved back

"I don't know what's wrong with you but I tried to apologise but seems like you have made your mind already so fine whatever you don't even deserve an apology!!! You think you are Queen Victoria or something for whom I'm dying then lemm get this straight! No you are not only girl in this college there are lots of girls who are more than polite to talk so it's better I leave you & your rudeness alone & focus them! I just wanted to be your friend but you are nothing more than an arrogant selfish brat who doesn't care about others!!!" he spat venomously which was enough to break my heart into million pieces!! once again after listening those harsh words after 2years from someone else hurt alot!!!

Tears pooled in my eyes so I just decided to leave from there as I didn't want to show him how much his words affected me


Thnku ^_^

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