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C H A P T E R  3

"Hey, I'll see you guys hopefully this summer, if I can get Aberforth to let me come to your house," Samantha said to her best friends Fred and George Weasley. "I haven't really told him a lot about you both, but I'm sure he'll love you two,"

The twin red heads nodded happily and pulled her into a hug not wanting their best friend to leave. They had finished a second year full of fun. Many pranks were pulled as well as many detentions. They didn't think they would meet someone who loved pranking as much as them but Samantha was like their third twin, making them triplets. Pranking triplets.

They were lucky that they got detentions instead of losing house points. The points didn't seem to faze them during first year so they just got detention. Samantha thought the House Cup encouraged rivalry and promoted good behavior. The real cup was Quidditch and Gryffindor hasn't won that in like five years.

At first, Samantha felt a bit bad that she was getting her new friends into trouble but she soon learned that twins were all about trouble and loved it. A part of her remembers her dad and she knew he would be proud of her. Her mum, not so much.

She could hear her mum telling her dad that he shouldn't influence her like that. But then she could see a small smirk growing on her lips. She remembers he dad telling her stories of how her mum would try to change their pranking ways but would fail miserably. In the end she accepted it since she was fighting a losing battle. The Marauders were much too stubborn and happy to change.

She heard a cough and pulled away from the twins. Aberforth was standing on the platform waiting for her with a small smile. He watched her talk to the twins and he was happy that she seemed to make close friends, though the two twins seemed to always wear identical grins that had a mischievous glint to them. Nonetheless, she wasn't Ariana and he had to keep reminding himself that. Aberforth was well aware of her father James and his friends.

He knew they liked to have fun at Hogwarts and Samantha definitely took after him when he received an owl from Professor Snape saying that Samantha slipped him a pimple potion not even a month into her first year at Hogwarts and received two weeks of detention cleaning out cauldrons. It seems that Snape was much up to send owls about her behavior and many detentions.

She didn't understand why he treated her that way but she probably thought he didn't like when students acted up in class. Aberforth was not pleased but he decided to let it go since he knew she didn't have much fun before she went to Hogwarts. He soon later realized that pranking was her personality but he surely didn't like it. Those twins seemed to encourage her. Albus was lenient with her because of the circumstances that surrounded her home life.

Sometimes he needed a good laugh and the three always gave everyone a good laugh, well depending on what side of the prank they were on. It's been a while since a couple of jokesters have been at Hogwarts.

Samantha turned to her left and said goodbye to her other best friends. Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet who were in her year and Katie Bell was a year below them. She hugged her best girl friends goodbye and they headed off with their parents.

"Save the best for last," a think Scottish accent said cheekily as he pulled Samantha in for a hug.

She chuckled and pulled away. "Goodbye Oliver," she said and ruffled up his hair. Oliver playfully shoved her hand away and waved to the twins and headed off with his dad, who had just come back from coaching Puddlemere United, a professional Quidditch Reserve team. Oliver's dad Randall played for England during his years after Hogwarts and got a coaching spot after he retired when he met his wife Ophelia and had Oliver.

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