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New cover alert! Made by yours truly! I do like the previous one I made but I thought it'd be a nice change of pace. I've always love the blendy collages because your eye dances and you always feel like there's more to the picture. I may go back and edit it or redo it because it isn't perfect but overall I like it! And I literally made this on the iPhone PicsArt app using a double exposure image and then just editing over pictures to look nice. So you guys can do it too if you struggle with creative stuff like me. Hope you guys like it! Enjoy the chapter!

C H A P T E R  105

She had figured it out. She did it. The one thing he was being threatened with, had come true. He had failed. Although Marcus really didn't put in THAT much effort into stopping her, he really didn't think she would figure it out and THIS soon.

"W--what?!" Marcus uttered.

Samantha opened her mouth to continue but then there was an eruption of cheers and Samantha turned to see that Viktor had returned to the surface with Hermione. Samantha frowned because that meant that Harry was still down there and there were only two minutes left. That also meant that Harry had missed his chance at coming in second. She didn't understand why he was still down there when she had seen him there untying Ron. Harry looked as though he also wanted to save Fleur's sister but there was no way she would be left down there.

Madam Pomfrey neared them as they got out so she could give them heated towels and warming potions. As Samantha turned, she caught sight of Fleur and that Myrtle was indeed right that she was unsuccessful as she already looked mostly dry and had put on a matching Beauxbatons blue sweatsuit.

Concern was all over her pretty features as she looked over to see if her sister had come back with Viktor, but to no avail. To no one's notice, a certain long haired Weasley had noticed Fleur and was eyeing her with interest as she stood near Madam Maxime, bright blue eyes glued to the surface of the Black Lake.

The timer went off and ripples started to appear along the surface as the clock chimed. There was still no sign of Harry. Where the heck was he?

Samantha smiled at Viktor and Hermione who neared her after they received their check up from Madam Pomfrey. "That was very impressive transfiguration."

Viktor grinned while Hermione nodded and looked up at him with friendly eyes. Samantha inwardly smiled at this and made a note to follow up with Viktor on how things were with Hermione. She knew they had a fun time at the Yule Ball but also knew that things would have to go slow because Hermione was very attentive and wouldn't rush into anything. "I agree, I've never seen anything like it."

"Thank you, I worked on it the past month and a half," Viktor spoke and then raised an eyebrow as he looked at Hermione's hair which was still very much dropping wet. "There's a bug in your hair," he said as he grabbed it and flicked it away. It was a black beetle of some sort and buzzed away out of sight.

Five minutes passed and there were gasps and growing as more of the crowd saw another group of figures break the surface of the Black Lake. Samantha and Hermione rushed towards the edge of the platform and emerging were Harry, Ron, and Fleur's sister.

"Gabrielle!" Fleur cried and knelt down to help her up from the lake. Madam Pomfrey gave them a once over and the three looked to be ok. They were wrapped in blankets and gulped down warming potions. "It was ze grindylows . . . zey attacked me . . . oh Gabrielle, I thought . . . I thought . . ." She turned to Harry and engulfed him in a hug. "Oh zank you, zank you so so much." She hugged Ron too whose face turned a bright red. Samantha saw Hermione narrow her eyes sightly.

Also coming to the surface was one of the merpeople and looked to be either the king or the headmaster of some sorts as he was holding a triton and was wearing a crown. Dumbledore was crouching at the water's edge, deep in conversation him. He was making the same sort of screechy noises that the merpeople made when they were above water; clearly, Dumbledore could speak Mermish. He was nodding and looked to be in thought. Finally he straightened up, turned to the fellow judges, and said, " A conference before we give the marks, I think." The judges went into a huddle and looked very confused.

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