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C H A P T E R 32

"I can't believe her," Fred snipped sitting harshly down on the red plush couch in the Gryffindor Common Room. He gazed into the crackling fire and watched the burning embers.

"She's just stressed," Alicia started, defending her best friend. Angelina nodded in agreement. "I mean, who wouldn't be after the couple days she had. Give her some time to recuperate,"

"But still," Fred fired back. "Why wasn't she crying out to the heavens that the guy who's been annoying her since First year has been expelled?"

"Annoying her or annoying you?" Angelina retorted folding her arms.

Fred looked up at her, glaring at her through his cold icy blue eyes. "Annoying all of us,"

"Why does this bother you so much?" Angelina asked.

"Because....she's been through a lot and I hated Marcus bothering her. She's seen things no one else has ever imagined. I remember First Year over hearing Dumbledore and McGonagall talk about her future and how it's not going to be like anyone else's. Samantha's like a sister to me and you know how us Weasleys are when it comes to family," he announced then looking at George who nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, through the opened window, Oaks flew in and circled the Common Room before dropping a letter in George's lap and then resting on the arm of the chair he was sitting in.

Fred finally tore his eyes away from the calming fire and turned his attention to George who started unraveling the letter.

George's eyes widened a bit and looked up. "It's from our mother,"

Fred and George,
How are you dears? You must be wrecks after what happened to Samantha. Dumbledore wrote to us yesterday explaining what happened and we really wanted to come for support but he told us that would bring in too much attention. We are still planning on going to Egypt for Christmas and we would still love if Samantha could come. We spoke to Charlie and we have decided to visit Bill since we haven't seen him a while. Charlie was a bit sad but he understood. When she is feeling much better, ask her. I'll be sending some fudge in a few days for her so please don't eat any. Your father and I love you both. Be good influences on Ginny. Talk to you soon
-Your mother

"Oooohh fudge," George spoke, his eyes glazing over for a few moments. "My favorite," and then he smacked his lips together.

"You apparently ignored what she said," Fred muttered shaking his head.

"I can't believe you're going to Egypt," Alicia said pouting. "I want to go. That sounds so much better than staying home babysitting my cousins,"

"I just hope we don't get tricked by a Goblin," George said.

"I'm sure you won't since Bill will be there," Katie pointed out.

"Yeah so that means we won't stop hearing about Goblins," Fred uttered groaning.

• • • • •

"These are so beautiful. Thank you Cedric," Samantha said happily after Cedric gave her a bouquet of daisies and roses. She put them into the vase that was next to her bed.

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