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Samantha's mind was feeling as she and Harry soon left Moody's office. She had just enough time to head back to her dorm for a little bit and then go to dinner. Harry rushed off to find Hermione so she could help him with the Summoning Charm. It had to be perfect so he could summon his Firebolt.

It was a great idea. Harry could easily fly around the dragon and succeed in the task. But Samantha was still at a loss for what she would do. Distract the dragon. It sounded simple but there were a million paths she could go down. Her thoughts then went back to Moody.

Those were the ingredients to Polyjuice Potion!

Why? Why did he have that? Why was it in plain sight? Did he expect people to see it when in his office?

The trunk could be overlooked if one wasn't curious....and Samantha was very curious. She didn't think Moody saw her since he was talking to Harry, but Samantha didn't know about his magical eye. Samantha assumed it didn't see her because if it did, Moody would have said something.

Her thoughts went back to why he had that. Why did he need to brew Polyjuice Potion. He wasn't teaching Potions so that was ruled out.

As she slowly made her way back to the Common Room, Samantha decided to ask Sirius. She wanted to ask him again about the dragons and see if he knew anything.

She walked right through the Common Room and ignored the calls by George who was sitting with Lee, Alicia, and Katie.

Pushing open her dorm door, Samantha went straight for her mirror. She saw Angelina sitting on her bed, but ignored her and went straight for her own bed.

Angelina watched Samantha take out a mirror and sit on her bed. Samantha didn't seem to mind Angelina being in the room and called out, "Sirius!"

"I can leave, if you want," Angelina said in a neutral tone.

Samantha looked up and shrugged. "I don't care."

Angelina nodded and went back to her Transfiguration book.

"Hey, how's it going?" Sirius said, coming into view.

Samantha shrugged. Unsure of what to make of the Moody situation. She knew something was wrong, and now there seemed to be confirmation. "Ok I guess."

"Ok? I'd be freaking out. The first task is tomorrow!"

She sighed. "And it's also dragons, Harry's prediction was right."

Angelina looked over from her book in shock. Dragons? Samantha had to face a dragon? Angelina may be a strong headed person, but even thinking about a dragon was bringing her fear and nerves. She saw how calm Samantha was but Samantha was always the person to suppress her feelings and bottle them up.

Sirius' eyes widened. "Wow."

"Yeah, any helpful ideas on how to get past a dragon?"

He paused. "Actually no. Personally, I'd just wing it."

Samantha rolled her eyes. "Of course you would."

Sirius grimaced. "Sorry, you know your father and I never really planned anything in advance. We would just roll with the flow."

Samantha laughed. "I can picture you two up against a dragon and trying to throw Dungbombs at it."

A laugh escaped his lips. "But honestly, I would try a distraction."

"That's what I was thinking, but I don't know how."

"Ok, let me ask Remus and Tonks who are out grocery shopping. Come back after dinner this evening and we'll talk again," Sirius explained.

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