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C H A P T E R  11

Harry grabbed that cloak and late that night, him and Samantha snuck out under it to go back to the library.

They turned the first corner and saw Mrs. Norris. She trotted right by them not noticing. Samantha wondered whether if she could smell them.

Samantha unlocked the door and they snuck inside. They returned to the restricted section and started looking again.

Samantha went down the third aisle while Harry searched the second. She pulled out a book that was about strange magic. Maybe alchemy was in here.

On a random page defined a rather unusual word. Horcrux.

Samantha had never heard the word before so she continued to read forgetting about Flamel.

'A Horcrux is a powerful object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality. Creating one Horcrux gives one the ability to anchor one's own soul to earth if the body is destroyed; the more horcruxes one creates, the closer one is to true immortality. Creating multiple Horcruxes is suggested to be costly to the creator, by both diminishing their humanity and even physically disfiguring them'

Her eyes furrowed at the excerpt. Why would someone do this? Is immortality worth ruining your humanity?

Immorality. A name immediately popped up in her brain when she thought about that. Voldemort.

He was definitely someone who would go the lengths to live forever. Did he however create these horcruxes?

She was knocked out of her thoughts when she heard a blood curling scream coming from the second aisle where Harry was. Samantha instantly put the book back and took out her wand rushing towards Harry.

She saw him quickly closing a book and shoving it back on the shelf and then grabbing the cloak.

Suddenly they heard the door to the library open and the two immediately put the cloak on and rushed towards the back of the section to where the hidden door was.

"Who is in the library?" Filch grumbled.

They snuck through the door and came out of the sleeping portrait.

Just then, they heard footsteps and saw a black robe billowing down the corridor. Snape.

Harry started walking further from him and the two turned the corner hoping for a place to hide. They didn't want Snape to hear their footsteps.

At the end of the corridor was a door opened ajar. They rushed towards it and ran inside slamming the door behind them.

'Well so much for being quiet,' Samantha thought as they pressed their ears to the door.

Snape's footsteps could no longer be heard. He must have went back down the stairs to his office in the dungeons.

Harry was about to pull the cloak off but Samantha stopped him turning to survey the room, making sure no one else was there. How stupid would that be if they took off the cloak in front of a teacher or anyone else for that matter.

No one was in the room other than them, however a gigantic mirror was sitting in the middle of it.

They took off the cloak and Harry set it on a nearby desk. Both of them were gazing at the unusual mirror. Why was it there?

They two slowly crept towards it and read the inscription on its gold frame.

'Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi,'

The Older Potter // HP Older SisterWhere stories live. Discover now