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C H A P T E R 15

Exam week was finally here and the group was anxious to get them over with. Samantha and the twins were studying History of Magic the most since that had the most information, and their hardest subject. It was the subject she hated the most and struggled the most with.

Their first day of exams consisted of Potions and Arithmancy. They had to make a light sleeping potion in the hour allotted time. It wasn't helping that Snape was breathing down their necks and he kept his narrowed eyes on Samantha the entire time.

She hoped she did well but she couldn't remember if she stirred clock or counterclockwise. A groan escape her mouth as they walked into the Arithmancy classroom. This was just a written exam so a sigh of relief escaped the three. The girls and Lee had Muggle Studies which was both written and practical.

The next day was Transfiguration and Charms. Samantha had successfully transfigured her Potions cauldron into a nice flower pot holding a red bouquet of roses. Fred and George each made a nice bouquet of sunflowers. The Charms practical exam was summoning and using their household charms to clean shelves and wash windows. Samantha left three streak marks on the windows but she hoped Flitwick didn't notice.

Wednesday was Herbology and Care of Magical of Creatures during the day, and Astronomy at night. They had to successfully name each plant and clip fangs on the Fanged Germanium and brush the teeth on the Mandrake. Care of Magical Creatures surprisingly didn't have a practical exam so they just answered 100 questions. At midnight, the group went up to the Astronomy tower and had to fill out their star and planet charts in the hour time allotted.

Thursday was Defense Against the Dark Arts and History of Magic. For Defense they had to fight Quirrell's iguana which was extremely easy. One stunning spell defeated it. History of Magic was just written which was extremely boring. The test consisted of 100 questions and a few sub questions. Samantha almost fell asleep after half of it. She swore she heard the twins snoring from behind her. She knew a lot of the questions and hoped she got most of them right, but of course she didn't get the minor details and left most of those blank.

Friday was a free day and they were happy that they had finished their exams.

That lunch Samantha, the twins, and Lee went down to the lake to get some fresh air. They were free of exams. Samantha was sitting under the willow tree while the twins and Lee were tickling the tentacles of the giant squid which was chilling in the shallow water.

"Guys be careful," she yelled out to them.

"Oh we're fine Potter," Lee yelled back smirking. As soon as he said that, the squid moved its tentacle and it smacked Lee upside the head. Lee fell over into the water into a pile of gross slimy seaweed.

The twins almost fell over with him from laughing so hard. Samantha was clutching her stomach and she was on her back on the grass laughing.

"What's so funny?" she heard someone ask. Samantha turned and saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione standing a few feet from her.

She answered Ron's question by just pointing at the Black lake where Lee and the twins were.

The three turned and saw the twins laughing with their hands on their knees. Lee was standing up and was picking bits of seaweed off of him.

Ron and Harry started to laugh while Hermione just frowned but the corners of her lips were starting to tug upwards.

"So how were your exams?" she asked after she stopped laughing. The trio sat down next to her and they started discussing their best and worst exams. Harry and Ron were each confident and nervous about a few and Hermione looked to be confident on all but there was still some wariness to her.

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