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Ginny sighed as she went to put up her things in her dormitory and get her diary. Right now she needed a friend. And she knew that Tom would understand her, maybe even offer more of his wonderful, comforting advice. Throwing her school things on her bed, she grabbed her diary out from under her pillow and went downstairs into the common room. She chose an armchair in the corner of the room, hoping that no one would notice her as she pulled out her quill and ink.

She knew that she needed to start on her homework, but right now, she had to write to Tom or else he might get mad at her again. Tom didn't like it when she forgot to write to him, and sometimes he would say a lot of cold things when she did. But lately, he had wanted her to write in the diary almost constantly. She felt a deep pit of sadness beginning to grow inside her... maybe her secrets and fears just weren't interesting enough for him anymore?

She looked over by the roaring fireplace—suddenly feeling cold—and was surprised to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione sitting at a spare table pouring over their homework. She watched Hermione say something to Harry, who smiled back at her before he wrote something on a spare piece of parchment. The smile that Harry had given to Hermione caused a pang of jealousy to wash over Ginny. She shook her head hard an looked back down to the blank page of her diary before she decided to start writing.

Oh, Tom! I've had yet another bad day!

You've been saying that very often, Ginny. Please tell me what's wrong this time?

First of all, I fell asleep in Transfiguration... again. McGonagall threatened to give me a detention if it happens one more time. But I've been having nightmares every night and they're keeping me up! How am I supposed to catch up on sleep like this?

Why am I having these nightmares? I mean, I had a nightmare once in awhile at home... but never like this! I can't even remember what they're about! All I remember is that they really scare me! How do I make them stop, Tom?

You're just tired, Ginny. I'm sure that they will go away with enough time.

I just wish I could remember them, and then maybe they wouldn't be so bad.

Now, is that Percy still bothering you? Or is he finally leaving you alone?

Ginny frowned at that. She didn't like the fact that Tom just decided to change the subject like that. Especially, since he knew that she was worried. She decided that maybe he didn't want her dwelling on it any longer so, sighing, she dabbed her quill back in her inkpot and wrote: Oh, no, he's more annoying as ever, Tom! He's so noisy... oh, wait! She suddenly had a horrible thought. What if he ever came looking through my stuff? What if he or someone else ever finds you? Can other people write in you and see all the things I've written?

Don't worry, Ginny. Tom wrote back. Though I can't stop them from writing, I have the choice of not writing back or not. And you can rest assure that I would never tell anyone what you written in me. But all you have to do is keep me safe with you all the time. It's the best way to make sure that no one else would ever find me.

That's a relief. I can't imagine what would happen if anyone... especially if it was one of my brothers... ever found you and read what I wrote! I could never show my face in public ever again.

Don't worry, Ginny. Your secrets are safe with me.

• • • • •

But just before Saturday's feast, Ginny felt as if she had ripped out half of her hair when she had tried to drag a brush through the tangled mess. She wanted to look her best tonight... but still causal so that no one would suspect anything when she summoned up all her courage to talk to Harry.

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