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Christmas break was only a week away and end of term exams were finally here.

It was Saturday night and there Samantha sat in the library hidden beneath a dozen books. Marcus was sitting next to her but could barely see the top of her head due to the large pile.

Even though they were next to each other, there was a feeling of immense awkwardness that neither of them wanted to talk about. Marcus couldn't help but wonder what was going on between them. Here he was, finally feeling like he had it all. But now, Marcus felt like he had nothing.

A part of him kept telling himself that Samantha was under a lot of stress due to tests, assignments, and the tournament and would feel better after this was over. But the other part of him felt like Samantha was starting to regret being with him or that her feelings were drifting away.

The past few days were completely confusing him because when they were together, it felt like two friends hanging out. She didn't show any affection or have her usual charismatic self. Something was off and Marcus couldn't help sigh at her actions.

However, she was also stuffed away in the library so Marcus really couldn't judge her full actions.

Samantha was completely oblivious to the inner conflict inside Marcus. She was only focusing on tests, the review packets in front of her, the egg, and briefly Cedric. Lately, Cedric has been occupying her mind since they've been studying together. She only had Potions with Marcus but during that time, Viktor was her partner so she would study with him.

As her mind went between the numerous things on her to-do list, she did not notice someone walking into the library. A certain Hufflepuff with golden brown hair walked in to grab a book for Herbology. As he took the book he needed off the shelf, he saw Marcus and Samantha. Samantha had just smiled at Marcus and placed her hand on his for a moment or two.

Cedric narrowed his eyes and started to tightly clutch the book he was holding. A loud sigh then escaped his lips which caught Marcus' attention. Their eyes locked for a second before Cedric ducked his head behind the bookshelf. He knew Marcus saw him but didn't want Samantha to.

Marcus felt a feeling of satisfaction that he was with Samantha now instead of Cedric. Then Cedric's warning came into his mind and so did a small inkling of revenge and cunning. Even though he was at Durmstrang, he was still a Slytherin.

"What are you looking at?" Samantha asked Marcus when she looked up from her Transfiguration homework.

Marcus turned to her and smiled. "The most beautiful girl in the world."

Samantha laughed lightly. "Smooth," she replied and went to turn back to her book but felt Marcus' hand on her cheek, turning her face towards his.

He leaned in and pressed her lips firmly against his. Her eyes fluttered closed and her hands went to his neck, bringing Marcus closer. She then realized that this was the first time they've kissed in a few days. And Merlin was this a kiss.

Marcus nudged his chair closer to hers so he could rest his hands on her waist and bring her as close as he could.

Cedric peeked from behind the bookcase and his breath hitched in his throat at the sight before him. He then turned on his heel and stalked out of the library.

The kiss continued for a few more moments before Samantha pulled away and stared up at Marcus with a smile. The emptiness inside was slowly fading away and was being replaced by her usual butterflies. This was the feeling she remembers when being around Marcus. For the past few days, Samantha kept wondering where they went and if this was the right decision. But now, her feelings were coming to the surface again.

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