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C H A P T E R  16

"WHAT?!?" Oliver cried the next morning in the Common Room.

It was two hours before the match and Samantha had just told Oliver and the rest of the team where Harry was. She didn't go into details and the twins knew that she would tell them later.

"This is just great. Absolutely wonderful," Oliver groaned slumping into a nearby chair.

"Oliver it isn't the end of the world," Angelina said patting his shoulder.

"Yeah we have Katie. She can defeat Higgs," Alicia added.

Oliver sighed and then looked at Katie who was grimacing. "Yeah you're right. Come on, lets go get some breakfast. We need our energy,"

They followed him out of the Common Room and down to the Great Hall. Samantha and the twins lingered behind.

"Ok, what really happened?" they asked her.

Samantha told them what Dumbledore told her. They were frozen in shock. Samantha made sure to tell them that Ron was ok and would be out of the hospital wing by the end of the day. They were very impressed when she told them about his chess game.

"Wow...," Fred breathed.

"Some first year for them right?" George joked.

They made it to the Great Hall and ate a nice fulfilling breakfast. Oliver made sure they had a full bowl and a tall glass of orange juice. Thirty minutes later they headed down to the pitch to get ready for the match. Oliver explained some final details after they got changed. He stood at the head bench and faced them ready to give his prematch speech.

"Ok troops. We know what this match means. We know what Slytherin is capable of. We know that Katie is going to play great," Katie blushed. "Now try to think about the struggles of not having Harry. Chasers, it's going to be you to you to maintain a lead to give Katie some room to work with. Hopefully we can acquire a sufficient lead but just work hard and you know I'll be proud regardless what the scoreboard says. Now lets go kill a snake,"

The team cheered and they headed out of the locker room and down the hall to the entrance of the pitch. Oliver caught sight of Lee and he nodded signaling that they were ready. He had just finished the Slytherin introductions and the crowd was still booing. Like their earlier match playing each other three-fourths of the crowd was rooting for Gryffindor.

"And here's Gryffindor with a change in their lineup," Lee announced. The crowd stopped booing and Samantha could see the confusion of a lot of people's faces. What change did they make? Did they bench Potter for her off play last game?

"We have Johnson, Spinnet, Potter, Weasley, Weasley, Bell, and Captain Wood! Katie Bell is playing Seeker for Harry Potter due to him being in the hospital wing," Lee continued.

A loud 'What?!' came from the crowd and a cheer came from Slytherin. McGonagall looked blank but still cheered for her team.

The Gryffindors flew around the pitch a few times before Madam Hooch blew her whistle sgnalling the start of the match. Oliver shook hands with Flint briefly before flying to their respective positions. 'You both know the drill. This the finals. Winner receives the cup. I want a nice clean game," Samantha swore she could hear her mumble after 'Like that ever happens anyway.'

She let the Snitch and the Bludgers go. Katie saw the Snitch glitter before it disappeared out of sight. Madam Hooch blew her whistle one more time and threw the Quaffle into the air.

Montague, the third chaser, grabbed it first this time right before Alicia and raced around the pack. He passed to Bletchley who passed to Flint. Samantha blocked Flint before he reached Oliver. Flint passed to Montague but was intercepted by Angelina. She sped down the pitch and did a quick pass to Alicia. She swerved around Bletchley and had a clear shot. Fred hit a Bludger to distract the keeper. She shoots...

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