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Marcus could not calm down. He sat there in the Hospital Wing, mind racing. Madam Pomfrey had tended to his wound and would heal 100% in a week or two. He hated that he had to stay there and had no idea what was going on with Moody and if his cover had been blown.

This was his worst nightmare. His insides started to shake and quench at the thought of his father's reaction when he would find out that he failed. He completely failed. But it's not like he could monitor Samantha's every move and know her every thought. And he for sure was not going to jeopardize his relationship with her by being overbearing and clingy. He hated being in this position. He hated that there were outside factors affecting how he felt and his actions. A part of him was starting to wonder if everything that was happening between them was all worth it or maybe even a sign. One thing Marcus did know that a big decision would have to be made and soon.

His green eyes stared at the door, waiting for Samantha to walk in and hopefully give some type of news that Moody's cover was not blown. He knew what his father and his friends were capable of and his heart sank.

It had been an hour since Marcus arrived here and each minute passed slower and slower. Madam Pomfrey then emerged from her office with another potion. "Here, drink this. You need rest as the wound was very draining and rest will be replenishing."

She handed Marcus the dark purple vile and he took it but he did not drink it. He could not be knocked out for the rest of the day when he had to know what was going on in Dumbledore's office.

"Drink, Mr. Flint," Madam Pomfrey demanded. "You will feel better. I can see you're in pain and after resting, you'll feel better."

Marcus indeed still felt some stinging and clenched his teeth in annoyance. Even though he no longer was attending Hogwarts, when he walked the halls and sat in this bed it felt like old times.

"Fine," he grumbled and then sighed. He drank the vile and got comfy in the bed. Whatever what was going on in that room, he would find out eventually.

• • • • •

"Please, Madam Pomfrey?" Samantha pleaded. "He's been asleep for hours, let me wake him up. It's already after dinner."

Samantha had walked into the Hospital Wing earlier after the dumpster fire that was Barty Crouch Jr acting like Mad Eye Moody situation concluded and found Marcus asleep and would be for the next few hours.

Madam Pomfrey looked over at Marcus and then back at Samantha who was looking at her with pleading eyes, eyes that resembled James Potter far too well. "Ok, but don't stay too late."

"Thank you," Samantha spoke with a wide smile and then headed over to his bed.

She sat down at the edge and looked over at him. Marcus was lying on his back with arms crossed and taking slow breaths. His mouth was slightly parted and eyebrows slightly furrowed. Samantha concluded Marcus was far too cute sleeping and was debating if she should ruin his peace. After a few moments in thought, she decided to ruin his peace.

Leaning forward, she cupped his bearded jaw and decided to wake him with a kiss. She gently pressed her lips against his. Within a few moments, he started to stir and Samantha pulled away. Marcus fluttered his eyes open and smiled when seeing Samantha.

"What a good way to wake up, not a bad sight either," Marcus spoke in a soft and sleepy tone. Then realization dawned on him and Marcus sat up a bit. "So what happened with Mad Eye?"

"Get this..."

Samantha then started telling Marcus what happened and the story Barty Crouch Jr shared. "So he'll be put on trial in a few days. Dumbledore had contacted Fudge who almost fainted when he saw Barty Crouch Jr. Fudge then contacted Barty Crouch Sr and that was a mad sight to see. Barty Sr actually did faint and it took a bit of time to wake him and explain what was going on. Hopefully the Daily Prophet doesn't catch wind of the situation before the trial. Harry and I were requested to go as witnesses and to fill in parts of the story."

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