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"You're joking!" Fred called out.

Dumbledore chuckled as well as a few others in the crowd of students. "Mr. Weasley, I am not joking but I did come across one over the summer..."

McGonagall cleared her throat which earned a few more laughs.

"Maybe another time but yes, Hogwarts will be home to such a high honor. I am going to give a brief history of the Tournament and then explain how things are going to be run.

"So the tournament was brought up around 700 years ago between the three biggest European Wizard schools: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang."

Samantha raised her eyebrows at Durmstrang. It then clicked. That's where Marcus was going to school. And if Hogwarts was host, then Marcus was coming for the tournament.

She sighed as Dumbledore continued. "So a champion is chosen from each school to perform three magical tasks. Three dangerous tasks. The host school is rotated every five years and it's a wonderful way to build magical bonds among young wizards. However, the tournament was ceased after the death toll was increasing at an alarming rate."

Many eyebrows raised at the term "death toll." A sudden sense of fear took over the students and the excited feeling was fading away. But many students had a growing feeling of adrenaline as Dumbledore spoke.

"But the Department of Magical Games and Sports have provided numerous ways to ensure that no one will be harmed."

"That's why Bagman was so excited," George said.

"So Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive in mid-October and then an impartial judge will select the contenders on Halloween night. The champions will contend for the coveted Triwizard Cup, immense glory, and a thousand galleon prize money."

Loud whispers took over and both Fred and George had identical grins. Samantha smiled at them and knew they were definitely going to enter.

Dumbledore chuckled again upon seeing everyone's eager faces and excited whispering. "Yes, I am happy to know that you're all eager to contend for Hogwarts. But, the heads of each school as well as the Ministry of Magic have decided to implement an age restriction of seventeen years or older on the contenders to ensure that each student is capable to perform in the tasks."

There wasn't anymore whispering. There were full on objections, Fred and George being the loudest.

"That isn't fair," Fred hissed.

"We turn seventeen in April so we should be eligible," George continued.

Dumbledore put up his hand to silence everyone as he continued. "I will be here personally to make sure that no underage wizard will try and enter," His blue eyes traveled to Fred and George who were giving the Headmaster hefty glares. "So I would advise against trying to fool the judge. And our guests will be staying with us for the remainder of the year so please extend your courtesy. Now time for bed!"

Dumbledore turned to Moody while students resumed their conversations regarding the tournament and headed out of the Great Hall.

"Well I'm entering, regardless of Dumbledore," Fred seethed.

"He knows you're not of age though," Samantha said as they finally decided to leave the Great Hall.

"Yeah but he's not the one picking the champions now is he?" George answered as he looked at Fred, already thinking of ways to enter the tournament. "I think a bit of aging potion will do."

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