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C H A P T E R 19

"Why don't you go first Samantha?" Fred suggested giving her a knowing look.

It was Wednesday and they were off to Diagon Alley. The Potters and Weasleys gathered around the fireplace and Mrs. Weasley held the flower pot of Floo Powder.

Samantha looked around at the Weasleys and they nodded and gestured her forward. "Ok," she said and took a handful of Powder.

"Watch closely Harry," Ron said to him.

"Diagon Alley," Samantha stated clearly then dropped the Floo Powder. She was engulfed by the green flames and was now getting sucked through the drain. She kept her elbows tucked as she flew through the many fireplaces. Finally, Samantha fell forward on the crimson carpet of Quality Quidditch Supplies. "The Floo Network knows me so well," she mumbled happily to herself.

She lingered through the store gazing at the new uniforms and stopped once she reached the display window. There in front for everyone to see and fawn over was the newest racing broom. The Nimbus 2001. She stared at its black sleek finish and trimmed branches for a few minutes before realizing that she had a mission to do.

Samantha adjusted her robe collar to just beyond her jawline as she exited the store and set down the path for Knockturn Alley. She passed a few recognizable faces such as Roger Davies and Justin Cross who had just come from Madam Malkins. Reaching the end of Diagon Alley, Samantha quickly looked around to see if anyone she knew was there. There wasn't and she quickly entered Knockturn Alley with one store in sight. Potente Potion Products.

A cold chill tingled her spine as she passed a few mad looking wizards. Some looked like they hadn't showered in weeks, like they had just escaped Azkaban. Others looked like they didn't want to be followed. She quickened her pace and finally found the store, which was right next door to Borgin and Burke.

Samantha went inside and started down the aisles for the Slug Repellent. She passed boomslang skin, fluxweed, lacewigs, and bicorn horns. She recognized these ingredients as the main elements to Polyjuice potion. Finally at the end of the third aisle was the supply of slug repellent. She grabbed the largest one hoping it was enough so she didn't have to come back and get more.

She avoided eyes with the cashier and handed over the two galleons. Within a flash, she grabbed the plastic bag and left the store wanting to leave the creepy alley. Walking past Borgin and Burke, she noticed something that she was not expecting. Looking through the front window, she saw Harry hiding from Lucius and Draco Malfoy.

What was he doing there? Was he taken to this fireplace? She hid behind the nearby pillar and waited for Harry to escape. Hopefully he didn't get caught by the Malfoys.

Minutes later, the Malfoys left and went down the other way. Harry left seconds later and Samantha went up to him. Harry jumped and coughed a little.

"What in Merlin's name are you doing in Borgin and Burke?" she asked him once he turned around.

Harry scratched the back of his neck. "I don't know. I just ended up there,"

Samantha nodded and grabbed his shoulder leading down the path towards the exit. "Come on, before anyone sees us,"

They maneuvered back through the weird wizards and finally got to the exit. Samantha started towards Gringotts when Harry stopped them.

"What were you doing down there anyway?" he asked eyeing the bag in her hand.

She hid it under her cloak more and looked away. "Just shopping for a friend,"

Harry didn't look convinced but he just shrugged realizing it wasn't important. "Well thanks for saving me. I was getting a bit creeped out," he said as they headed towards Gringotts.

The Older Potter // HP Older SisterWhere stories live. Discover now