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C H A P T E R  51

"Take my arm," Sirius spoke in a, well, serious tone.

Samantha rolled her eyes at him trying to be his namesake but took his arm nonetheless.

The two Apparated back to Number 4 Privet Drive.

"Ok, so transform back into Padfoot and I'll call the Knight Bus," Samantha said and then in her own mind added "For the third time,"

"Yes, ma'am," Sirius said. The more and more they talked, the more he felt like himself. He hadn't talked to many people in the last twelve years so it felt nice to joke around with someone. Sirius was very happy that Samantha inherited James' humor.

Padfoot replaced Sirius and Samantha raised her arm again. The Knight Bus appeared again and Stan came out to introduce himself but stopped when he saw Samantha.

"What 'ave you been doin' all day?" he asked while she walked up the steps and waited for Padfoot to follow.

Stan eyed the dog with curiosity but ignored it and gestured Ernie to leave.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, Stan,"

"So what's with the dog?" he asked as they zipped through the streets.

Samantha looked down at Padfoot who was sitting calmly at her feet and shrugged. "I don't know. I figured I'd take care of him for a little while. He looked rather lonely,"

"Awfully nice of ya,"

Ten minutes later the Knight Bus reached the Leaky Cauldron and Samantha paid Stan fifteen sickles. She added an extra few to compensate for Sirius.

She found it hilarious that Stan was reading the Daily Prophet with Sirius' picture on it and he was sitting two feet away from him. It was very hard to resist laughing so she gave Padfoot a knowing look and he wrinkled his nose in return.

Keeping this secret was going to be harder than she thought.

"Can you sleep in your Animagus form or is it rather uncomfortable?" Samantha asked once she led Padfoot up to her room and then he transformed.

She made sure to lock her door in case Harry wanted to chat.

Sirius shrugged. "I've spent days in my Animagus form to avoid the feeling of the Dementors. I can handle a few nights sleeping as a dog,"

Samantha nodded. "You do realize the Weasleys come back tomorrow so I can't stay in here forever,"

Sirius nodded. "I'm very good at doing nothing, spent a dozen years doing it,"

Laughing, Samantha glanced at the clock and found at it was well after midnight. "Well, I'm quite exhausted,"

"From what? Listening to my stories?"

"Yes your stories. The ones that proved your innocence," Samantha retorted as she took out her pajamas and walked to the door of the bathroom to change and get ready for bed. "So I'm going to sleep. If you wake up earlier than me, then just wake me up and I'll get some breakfast,"

Sirius nodded and was about to transform but stopped and turned to Samantha. "Thank you," he spoke in genuine tone.

Samantha smiled at him. "You're welcome,"

• • • • •

"We've missed you so much!" George spoke as he lifted Samantha into the air.

"I can't breathe, George," she spoke.

He let her down and then spoke all about their trip. Most of it was the same as when they went last Christmas.

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