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***Disclaimer: the years are kind of muddled. It's been a while since I have edited this part and thought I thought it through to make sense but it's recently been a bit confusing for readers to figure out exactly the year. Anyone else thinks something makes sense in their head and it actually kind of doesn't? There is a little time gap but I haven't edited this part yet to actually make 100% sense. So just read through disregarding the tiny gap in the timeline**

C H A P T E R  1

"She's beautiful," Lily Potter cooed as she held her first gift from God in her arms gazing into her big brown eyes as a few tufts of brown hair stuck up from the back of her head. She was born on Halloween morning, a literal scare for James who was a frantic mess trying to get Lily to St. Mungos before she gave birth.

"Yeah, she is Lils. Absolutely perfect," James Potter agreed as he tapped her small button nose and pinched her chubby pink cheeks.

The newborn baby girl wrinkled her nose and scrunched up her eyebrows which caused James to smile and silently say a thank you that he had created a perfect baby girl with the love of his life that he had been chasing since around third year.

"Aww, how's my baby Samantha Lily Potter?" Lily asked smiling looking at the infant.

The baby yawned and held onto her mum's finger snuggling into her chest and clinging on for dear life which melted Lily's heart.

"So when are we ready to leave?" James asked the healer, Mary, who just walked in the room to check up on the baby and mother.

The healer looked at the manila folder next to the hospital bed and examined a few papers. Her eyes scanned the first page before she then examined a chart, probably of Lily's health, and then looked at another paper.

"If Lily is feeling good and everything seems to be in order with her reproductive organs, as well as the baby and her health, then tomorrow," she said and closed the folder putting it back down on the table next to the hospital bed.

James and Lily nodded in agreement as they watched her walk out of the door and down the hall.

"My parents should be coming later," James said as he sat down in the chair next to the bed.

Lily nodded happily because she loved James' parents and handed Samantha over to James who held her against his shoulder. James' parents were definitely shocked that she was dating James because they thought that she hated him. Lily smiled because James' mother told her that she was proud that her son never gave up on something he wanted and she was happy that Lily at least gave him a chance.

She sat back and rested for a few minutes taking in large breaths of air and enjoying the company of her soon to be husband and newborn baby girl.

It had been almost a year and a half that they have been out of Hogwarts and things could not have been crazier.

Lily's parents weren't pleased that she had gotten pregnant out of wedlock, but she knew where she stood with James and frankly, as time went on, she found it better to not care what her parents thought about most topics and did what she wanted to do and what was best for her and James.

She loved James to the end of the Earth and didn't think that this was a mistake. She, however, didn't plan on having any kids before marriage, but things had gotten a little out of control the night of James' marriage proposal at the end of seventh year, which of course Lily accepted though she was a bit shocked that James proposed at the end of the year, but she quickly understood due to the harsh realizations of the Wizarding War.

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