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C H A P T E R 119

Samantha walked through the path of the maze and in an instant, it closed behind her, leaving her in the dark, cold, and within her own thoughts.

She hastened forward and came across the first turn. As she took the left, Samantha heard the whistle again, signaling Harry and Viktor to enter the maze. As much as Samantha enjoyed her alone time, being in the maze felt....different. It was as if at any time she would no longer be alone.

It was as though as she went deeper and deeper into the maze and the sky got darker and darker, her senses heightened, prepared for whatever obstacle was to come her way.

Just then she heard the faint sound of the whistle again, for Fleur to enter the maze. Now it was a race for the cup.

Samantha continued to through the maze, making sure she was going in the right direction, and was confused that she was yet to reach an obstacle yet. Hagrid mentioned to her that he was placing various creatures for them to battle so she was wondering when that would be.

Suddenly, she heard a noise from her left. Samantha paused and went towards it, hoping it wasn't someone in trouble. As soon as she turned right down the next path, she was met with a Blast-Ended Skrewt. It was well over ten feet tall and opened its mouth to breath a line of fire towards Samantha.

"Aquamenti!" she cried which blocked the fire and subdued its loud roar that shook the tall hedges around her. "Impedimenta!" she then called out and aimed right it at. The Skrewt fell back a few steps before shaking off the spell, as if it did nothing.

Samantha thought for a moment before raising her wand again. "Incarserous." Ropes then flew from her wand and wrapped around the Skrewt. It cried out and it's screech echoed throughout the maze.

Once it was tied up, Samantha walked past it and continued on. She checked the direction again and turned another corner, making sure she was heading north and then a little west as the cup was in the middle of the maze.

She spent the next 15 minutes turning corners and having to retrace her steps due to meeting dead ends. Samantha shot water into the air and caught some of it in her mouth as it was already dry with exhaustion. The muggy evenings of June were certainly not in any of their favors.

Suddenly, Samantha heard a noise and saw a puff of smoke coming from the other side of the hedge. She turned the nearby corner and was met with Viktor.

"Oh hullo," he uttered, out of breath and patting his sleeve which was slightly singed.

"Blast-Ended Skrewt," Samantha commented, her insides churned at the fact that it was confirmed there were more than one in the maze.

"Indeed," Viktor responded and then gave her a lopsided grin. "It's quite eerie in here, wouldn't you agree?"

"Absolutely," Samantha answered, letting out a shaky breath, and then staring up at the sky which was now fading into a navy blue. She then glanced at Viktor. "Right, well I best be off then," she spoke and then gestured to the path up ahead.

Viktor nodded, bid her well, and then sauntered down the other pathway.

She was alone again and the only noise she was hearing were the leaves and branches crunching underneath her passing footsteps. This was by far the most challenging thing she had ever done. She hoped she was going the correct way as her wand pointed her northwest but who even knew at this point. The actions of turning corners, meeting dead ends, and preparing for whatever creature or obstacle was to come her way was something she hoped not to do for a while once the task was over.

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