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•In case some of you find a few parts of this chapter familiar, NO WORRIES! I did not copy! It's from my other book Siriusly Coled!! No need to panic or accuse me of copying! I'm just copying myself for a few fillers. Thank you! Enjoy the chapter!•

C H A P T E R  12

"Here," Samantha said to Marcus during their next Herbology class. "I've finished the schedule,"

Marcus gave it a once over and handed it back to her, nodding in approval. "It's good, thanks,"

Inside, Marcus was groaning about having to clean its fangs and trim the leaves. Why did they have to get such an annoying plant? Why couldn't they get the Mandrake like Adrian and the Weasley twin?

They spent the class, well Samantha, spent the class trimming its leaves and plotting it in new dirt. Flint was just watching, he didn't need to take care of any dumb plants.

Samantha was very surprised at his attitude, but she knew what he was doing. He wanted to ignore her so she would converse with him and wonder why he's acting like this. He wanted her to think and become paranoid. Nice try Flint.

The bell rang and it was off to Charms for the Gryffindors and Transfigration for the Slytherins.

Samantha was currently walking with the twins and they were taking the long way. They didn't care if they were late. Flitwick would just take ten points away.

"Potter. Weasleys. Why aren't you three in class?" Professor McGonagall called out from behind us. She was probably on her way to her classroom.

We turned around and came face to face with her. She did not look happy.

"Well Professor, we could ask you the same question," Samantha said grinning.

She raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth but closed it. 'Oh Potter and her sass,' McGonagall thought. There was nothing she could about it. The three would still continue to cause havoc. They got nice marks so it's not like they were that bad.

The twins bit their lips to hold back a laugh.

"Just get to class," she said before walking away down the corridor to her classroom. McGonagall didn't want to spend her night giving them punishments.

Samantha nodded. "Of course Professor, we'll do just that. Have a great day,"

Samantha Potter was known for her charm. She could charm almost anyone, except for Snape.

They continued down the hall deciding to just go to Charms instead of taking any more detours.

"That!" Fred started.

"was brilliant," George ended.

"Well, we're still late to Charms. Hopefully he just takes points away like usual and doesn't give us detention,"

Samantha looked at them in fake horror. "How dare you two underestimate Samantha Potter and her charm! I'm absolutely appalled,"

They just laughed and shook their heads. The three turned the corner and walked into the classroom at the end of the hall.

Professor Flitwick was searching for something when he noticed them enter. They had it with the Hufflepuffs.

"Miss Potter. Mr. and Mr. Weasley. Why are you three late?" he asked simply.

"Actually Professor," Samantha started. "Have you ever wondered that maybe you're just early?"

He looked confused and looked at his watch on his tiny wrist.

The Older Potter // HP Older SisterWhere stories live. Discover now