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C H A P T E R 13

"Thank Merlin we dropped Divination and Ancient Runes," Fred stated happily when they went to Care of Magical Creatures on Monday.

The dragon egg was still an egg and Hagrid predicted it should hatch by the end of the week.

Fred, George, and Samantha had gratefully dropped the two classes after a tiring first term of not learning anything useful. Samantha was completely annoyed that her death was being predicted every class. They thought those two classes would be fun, but they soon learned rune and tea leaf reading was not their forte. She knew those classes were helpful for people more interested but they never grew on her and was able to not waste any more of the teachers' time.

They spent the class taking notes on a new creature Grubbly-Plank was discussing. After that class and Arithmancy, which the three loved, they went off to lunch.

Samantha found the trio sat at the table reading a small note. She quickened her pace because she thought she knew exactly what that note was saying.

"Does that say what I think that says?" she asked in a rush as she sat down next to Harry, the twins still lingering into the hall.

Instead of answering, Harry just showed her the note. In a scrawled writing was two words: It's hatching.

"We just got this now," Ron said.

"Just got what?" a voice asked from behind them.

Fred and George had caught up to her and were currently standing next to Ron.

The four froze, not sure if they wanted to drag the twins into this.

"Uhm...," Harry started to say but trailed off not coming up with a sufficient excuse.

"You can trust us," they said together and then turned to Samantha giving her a knowing expression.

Samantha started to sink a little feeling guilty of keeping something from them. She sighed and regained her composure.

"Look just come with us because we're going to miss it if we don't leave now," she stated quickly standing up.

The trio gave her a look but then also stood up knowing she was right. They certainly didn't want to miss this and knew the twins could be trusted.

"Come on," Samantha said leading them quickly out of the hall and down to Hagrid's hut.

"Where are we going?" Fred asked her as they rushed out of the castle doors.

"Just hush and hurry up," she called out and continued.

The two just sighed and started to run to keep up with the four.

They reached the hut within the next few minutes and Harry knocked on Hagrid's front door.

The door cracked open ajar and once Hagrid saw them, he opened it up completely to let them in.

"Why are we here?" George asked as he closed the door.

Hagrid turned and faced the twins with a blank yet scared expression.

"It's ok Hagrid. You know you can trust them, even if they are a bit annoying," Samantha said with a quirky smile.

"Hey," they both chorused at the last part.

"Oh alrigh'. It's comin' out," he said and led them to the table where the black egg was slowly cracking and letting off a few pieces.

"Is that-" Fred started gasping.

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