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C H A P T E R 9

"Wake up! Wake up!" Angelina cried. She ripped the blankets off of Alicia and Samantha and yelled for them to get up.

They both groaned and rolled over trying to ignore Angelina's screech.

"Come on! Oliver wants us down for breakfast," she cried changing into her gear.

Samantha grunted and sat up. "Ok, ok. I'm awake," she said and grabbed her gear walking into the bathroom.

Alicia sat up as well and got her stuff together.

They got dressed and went downstairs to meet the rest of the team in the Common Room. They saw Oliver pacing by the fire and Katie talking to the twins along with Harry.

Once Oliver caught sight of their presence, he led them to breakfast making sure he made it clear that he wanted them to eat. Quidditch was not a pleasant sport on an empty stomach.

At half past nine, the team left breakfast to head down to the Quidditch pitch to get ready for the game which started at ten. The rest of the Great Hall started to linger out to go and watch Gryffindor versus Slytherin, the biggest Hogwarts rival, and the first match of the season.

"Ok troops. Listen up," Oliver announced heading towards the front of the locker room. "This is it. The first match of the season and against Slytherin. They'll be very physical so Chasers, be on the watch. Fred and George, we're going to need some key hits towards Flint and Nott who are going to be more focused on blocking. Now Harry, it might come down to you. Terrance Higgs is an alright Seeker. He has a great eye sight but can't maneuver well," Oliver paused for a moment and took a breath. "I guess that's all I have to say. Try your hardest and win! We need this upper hand," he finished and nodded at everyone and smiled.

Oliver held determination on his face but deep down he was scared out of his mind. He needed to win. He wanted a career in Quidditch and he didn't want to just rely on his dad. Puddlemere United was the next step and his dad had a secure spot for him has a back up keeper but Oliver wanted to prove that he deserved that spot.

He led them out of the locker rooms and to the entrance to the pitch.

Behind him were Samantha and Harry. Then Angelina and Alicia and then the twins. Since Katie was a reserve, she stood behind them.

The crowd was filled with red and green flags being waved as well as banners across the stands. Both the Hufflepuffs and the Ravenclaws were supporting Gryffindor.

Samantha caught sight of Justin and he smiled and gave her a thumbs up. She didn't think he liked her that way. He was someone that cared for her and was there when she needed someone. She knew he might ask her to go to Hogsmeade with him but she saw him as a friend. She met him formally during last year's Quidditch match versus Ravenclaw. They lost 200-50. Their Seeker was Charlie's back up since he left for Romania right after he turned 17 in December. He was a seventh year who never played once before that. Charlie picked him because he was the only other person trying out. Oliver tried to look for a new one but no one stepped up.

Right now, Samantha wasn't thinking of any guys that way. She was a very friendly person and wanted to make friends with most of the people in her year and not just in her house.

She caught sight of Flint who smiled malevolently. They got creamed by Slytherin last year. 350-80.

She tasted defeat since Charlie left and didn't want to taste it again this year. They lost 4 straight games and didn't want to lose any more. The team wasn't perfect but they vowed this year to try for perfection.

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