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I was going to update this on Halloween but I couldn't wait!! It is for Halloween...so
Happy Halloween!! Happy Birthday to our favorite Harry Potter sibling, Samantha Potter! And of course, RIP James and Lily! 😭

C H A P T E R  115

"What about dinner?" Ron asked, as he shoveled another pile of roast beef into his mouth.

"This is way more fun than eating, Ronald," Fred said slapping a hand on Ron's shoulder. "We're about to witness the best duel since Dumbledore and Grindelwald."

No one seemed to care that this was in the middle of dinner as everyone instantly got up and headed towards the backyard.

"Samantha is so going to win," George said with a grin. "What do you think, Perce?"

Percy shrugged indifferently. "I don't know. Samantha is talented but so is Sirius."

"Sirius is going to win. He has way more experience," Hermione replied as they walked out to the backyard.

"What do you think, Char?" George asked as he stood next to his older brother.

Charlie also shrugged. "I don't know, mate, going to be a close one for sure though."

They all surrounded Samantha and Sirius who bowed to each other and took their positions.

"Now I'm a little rusty. Haven't had proper duel in 13 years," Sirius said with a laugh.

"I'm sure you'll pick it up right where you left off, Sirius," Arthur encouraged as he watched on in excitement. Molly stood behind him and held her wand in case any healing spells needed to be performed.

"Ladies, first," Sirius said with a wicked grin.

Samantha rolled her eyes before non verbally sending a stunning spell at Sirius. Her and Snape practiced non verbal spells non stop for the last two weeks and Samantha really felt confident in her ability to duel.

Snape said by the end of the following week they would move on to more advanced magic, beyond what was taught at Hogwarts.

Sirius deflected it before sending his own disarming spell. Samantha also put up a shield and sent back another spell.

That's how the duel went for the first ten minutes. Both of them testing the waters and perfecting their non verbal magic.

"It's so silent," Ron commented, breaking the tense air as the two continued to duel.

"That's what non verbal spells mean, Ronniekins," Fred said sarcastically.

Ron's ears flared up before turning back to the duel which was starting to get interesting.

Samantha was now sending spells back to back and with more force. Sirius quickly dodged one and then sent up a shield.

He sent back two spells back to back and Samantha's defense shield almost broke under the force that Sirius sent.

Samantha decided to take a small break from the usual attack spells and decided to have some fun with Sirius. "Avis! Oppugno!"

A fleet of small birds flew from the tip of her wand and made a bee line towards Sirius. He threw his hands up to protect him.

"Not the hair!" he groaned and then sent flames towards the birds. Everyone laughed at Sirius swatting away the aviary attack.

Charlie watched on with awe and amusement. He watched Samantha laugh as her hazel eyes sparkled with joy and determination. He noticed that she pursed her lips in annoyance if a spell didn't get Sirius as much as she thought and that she furrowed her eyebrows if he blocked a spell she thought would disarm him.

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