4.7K 225 57

C H A P T E R 85

The next day was not pleasant. Fred and Angelina were still not speaking to Samantha and it was made known during breakfast.

Samantha slept in a bit so she didn't walk down with them but she woke up just in time to catch the end.

When she walked in, she was met with a loud applause from Gryffindor and a medium applause from Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff gave her glares while Slytherin had their usual sneers against Gryffindor. It seems that Hufflepuff was set on Cedric being their champion and they resented Samantha and Gryffindor for taking away what could have been their glory....yet again.

Samantha didn't see Cedric's face but it was expressionless. He was sitting by Luke who wanted to cheer for Samantha but didn't want to go against his house. It appeared that Luke and Dan were the only ones who thought Samantha being their Champion was a good thing. As much as they loved their best mate, they thought having someone being known for bravery would be a major advantage.

"Are you going to talk to her?" Luke asked Cedric as they watched Samantha sit down by Harry and Hermione.

Cedric sighed. "I'm not sure."

"Do you still have hope to reconcile?" Dan questioned.

"I'm not sure about that either. I really really wanted to be the Hogwarts Champion."

Luke rolled his eyes. "I thought we went over this? I heard from Gryffindor Seventh year Stefan Schmidt that he heard in the Common Room that Samantha said she didn't put her name in."

Cedric shook his head.

"You don't believe that? You think she really put her name in?" Luke continued.

"I don't really know what to think."

Luke sighed. He told Cedric that the way Samantha looked after her name was called did not prove she put her name in. But Cedric didn't believe him. He was another one to think she did it.

"If you're thinking that then there's no way you're going to reconcile. Look at her," Luke said nodding in Samantha's direction. "Does she look happy or excited? If she really put her name in and was chosen, then she would be those things. But she's not."

Samantha was eating her food in silence and was listening to Hermione talk about her aims with SPEW. She oblivious to Luke, Cedric, and Dan surveying her.

"She's probably upset that Harry's name came out," Cedric reasoned. He didn't know why he was making up excuses not to believe Luke.

Luke scoffed. "She may be protective of Harry but her not wanting to compete is a much bigger thing to be angry at."

The bell rang signaling they had twenty minutes until class started. "I would not advise talking to her unless you believe she didn't put her name in."

Samantha grabbed her books and walked down to the dungeons. She walked in the classroom and saw Viktor already sitting at a table. Once she sat down, Viktor looked at her and smiled. "Good morning."

"Hi," she grumbled, clearly not enjoying the constant attention she received on her way down to the dungeons.

"What's wrong?" he asked and then saw that Marcus entered the classroom. He gave Marcus a nod who smiled. His gaze lingered on Samantha for a few moments before he sat down at his usual table. Realization then dawned on him. "Oh, right. The tournament, Marcus told me what you and him talked about yesterday."

"Did he?"

"Yes and just know I believe you."

She smiled. "Thanks, Viktor. Would you mind making a public statement? Then that way people would listen."

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