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C H A P T E R  82

Friday, the 30th of October, had finally come and it was time for everyone to head down to dinner for the opening of the tournament.

As they enjoyed a fulfilling feast, Filch went to grab two extra chairs.

"Who else is coming?" George wondered.

Samantha shrugged but then Dumbledore stood up. When he stood, the Great Hall doors opened and in walked two people. Ludo Bagman walked down the aisle with a boisterous smile while Barty Crouch had a stern expression.

Fred and George glared at Bagman as he walked by but Ludo didn't seem to notice.

"Why are they here?" Harry asked.

"Probably for the opening of the tournament since they organized it," Samantha explained as she too stared at Bagman with an angry expression.

He did not reply to them and she knew it was because he had been caught. If it was a simple mistake, he would have replied without a problem and gave them either their winnings or their money back. But Ludo didn't.

They walked up to the high table and sat down next to Karkaroff and Madam Maxime.

"The moment has finally come," Dumbledore spoke to the expected audience. "The Triwizard Tournament is about to begin but before, I would like to introduce a few people. Joining us on our panel of judges as well as myself, Professor Karkaroff, and Madam Maxime, I welcome Mr. Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation," There was only a polite applause. "And Mr. Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports."

The applause much louder, probably because of his Quidditch background. Or maybe because Ludo looked more likeable. He gave a dazzling smile and a flamboyant wave. Only Samantha and the twins didn't clap for him.

The applause seemed to fire up the crowd as they leaned a little for what Dumbledore was going to say next. "Now the casket, please, Argus."

Filch approached Dumbledore with a large wooden box that was just over half his size. He put it on the table. "The three tasks will be spaced throughout the school. They will test the champions in many different ways such as magical ability, daringness, ability to perform under immense pressure, and of course danger."

Fred and George were each clenching their fists and staring up at the wooden casket with glazed eyes.

"Three champions compete in the tournament, one from each school. They will be scored on how well they participate and the champion with the highest total and comes away with the Triwizard Cup....will win. The champions will be selected impartially: The Goblet of Fire." Dumbledore waved his wand and the casket disappeared. It revealed a large brown goblet with blue flames dancing at the top.

Everyone stared at it in awe as it crackled in the silence. Dumbledore closed the casket which seemed to break everyone from their gaze. "I will place it in the middle of the room tomorrow. Anyone wishing to enter will clearly write their name and school on a slip of parchment. They must pass an age line circled around the Goblet to drop it in, so underage wizards, be very wary about trying to enter. You have twenty-four hours to enter. Tomorrow night, Halloween evening, the Goblet will choose who it deems worthy enough to represent each school. Entering into this tournament should not be taken lightly. Placing your name constitutes a magical binding contract. If selected, you must compete. Now I think that its time for bed. Pip pip!"

"An age line," Fred spoke with a smile as they followed their fellow Gryffindors out of the Great Hall. "Aging Potion will fool that easily."

Samantha sighed and rolled her eyes. "Nothing can fool Dumbledore."

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