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"Albus?" Aberforth spoke in a confused tone when he opened up his door and was met with his brother.

"Aberforth," Dumbledore responded and walked inside.

"What are you doing here?" Aberforth was genuinely confused. He hadn't spoken to his brother since he was in his office with Samantha. But whatever reason he was here, it must be important.

"I have some....news,"

Aberforh raised an eyebrow and hoped it wasn't too bad. But whenever Albus had "news" it was usually never good. "I see," he responded and started to make a cup of tea.

"Well there have been some attacks on students. Those of which have ended up being petrified," Albus started to explain as he took a seat in Aberforth's living room. Ari hopped up on the couch and relaxed next to him.

"Oh dear," Aberforth responded with concern. "Well do you know anything else?"

Aberforth took the two cups of tea out of the kitchen and handed one to his brother who nodded in thanks. Then he sat down on his usual chair.

"Not much but we know that it's the Heir of Slytherin,"

"Heir of Slytherin?" Aberforth reiterated, almost spitting up his tea. "What does that even mean?"

Albus gave a small shrug. "I of course have a few theories but I cannot be sure. It could honestly mean anything. I am trying to connect these events with what happened fifty years ago,"

"This happened fifty years ago?!"

Albus nodded and took another sip of tea.

"Thanks for telling me, like with everything else," Aberforth grumbled, hoping Albus didn't hear but knowing his brother, he knew and heard everything.

"I would love to tell you things, Aberforth, but forgive me for being somewhat resentful for you placing the blame on me for what happened,"

Aberforth narrowed his eyes a bit and looked at his brother who didn't seem to be bothered. Albus barely showed any true emotion and sometimes was jealous that he could stay so contempt and calm when things took a wrong turn.

He was more irrational and tended to go off the tracks a bit.

"I was acting on how I perceived everything,"

Albus nodded. "Then so was I. Now I would love to get back to why I came here. There was a recent attack on three students....one being Samantha,"

This time Aberforth did spit his tea. "Pardon me, what?!"

"You heard me. Right before the Gryffindor Hufflepuff Quidditch match, she and two others were found petrified right outside the library,"

Aberforth swallowed and put down his tea since his hands had become a bit shaky. He knew she did not like the way he raised her but he knew she loved him like family and he felt the same so this was a huge shock. Even though she was no longer staying with him, he would still try and watch out for her.

"Wow...," he spoke, trailing off. "What's going to happen to Hogwarts?"

Albus sighed. "Well the Ministry thought it would be best to suspend me-"

"They suspended you!?" Aberforth cried. "What good will that do?" Even though him and his brother did not agree at times, Aberforth would never deny how great of a wizard and headmaster Albus was.

Albus suppressed a smile. "I will do as Cornelius asks and we will see what happens,"

"The students don't have a chance against this...attacker without you!"

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