Sunday Dinner For The Books

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"Wait, what happened?" Brooke stares at me with her jaw nearly touching the floor.

We've been sitting in my room for the past half hour, recounting the events of my night out with Niall. In all my twenty-two years of living, I have never experienced a night like that. It was wild, exotic, loud, and everything that I'm not. I don't know if it was the added alcohol or not, but Niall has a super power of getting me to open up and let loose, in a controlled manner. I didn't get arrested or anything.

Niall paid for a cab to take us all the way to East Hollywood to some gay-friendly bar that he googled. I should have expected the place to be wild because that matches Niall's personality. I don't know what I was expecting, but I was certainly surprised when we arrived at the place. It was almost like a rave with the colored flashing lights and nonstop dancing. The music was so loud, I'm sure it damaged my hearing. 

It was the first time I'd ever really blended in with the crowd at a bar. We opened a tab at the bar and kept the drinks flowing, in which my wallet really took a hit. Niall made friends with the people around us, encouraging me to mingle with the strangers. I mingled as much as I could. I mean, I can only jump into a situation like that cold turkey to an extent. And as I had people whispering in my ear and filling my drinks, I couldn't take my eyes off of Niall. Despite the fact that he probably made out with at least seven different guys and three women, I couldn't help but find myself wishing I was a part of that mix. The way he would grab onto a part of their body, whether it was their back or their neck, and hold his drink in the air while he moved his lips expertly with the stranger's own lips had me fantasizing about the two of us. I wished he put his lips on mine and took a hold of my shirt and backed me up against a wall. 

People say to be careful what you wish for, but I didn't care because it was exactly what I wanted.

We slipped into the bathroom at one point during the night, and it was in that dirty, disgusting bathroom stall that Niall's lips were on mine for the first time. Despite the grime and the sticky floor and the dim lights, I felt so alive in there. My sober self would be so disappointed in my actions, but I'm sober right now and I can't stop thinking about it. 


I shake my head as Brooke's voice travels through my ears. She sits in the desk chair, spinning in circles as she tosses crumpled up pieces of paper at my face.

"What?" I ask, confused as to what she was talking about.

An amused smile spreads across her lips as she laughs, "I was asking what happened, you know, after the steamy and dirty bathroom kiss."

"Oh, uh. Nothing happened. It was just a long make out session in a disgusting bathroom. And I feel like I need to take another shower just thinking about it."

"You're a liar," Brooke grins, "but I'll let it slide."

"Okay, he gave me a hand job," I blurt out before both my hands clasp over my mouth and my eyes go wide.

Brooke's jaw drops once again as she throws an entire handful of crumpled up pieces of paper at my face. "Shut up! Zayn!"

"I don't even know! I've never done something like that before, being in a bathroom of a bar with someone I don't really know," I feel my face turn red as my heart beats faster just thinking about it. Brooke stares at me with her jaw agape, finally having stopped spinning in the chair. "But it was so thrilling. Damn it! I can't be doing this."

"Was it fun?" Brooke pries, jumping off the desk chair and onto my bed. "Do you want to do it again?"


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