Chain Reaction

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I wake up the next morning as I hear chatter outside of my room door. I'm not entirely sure on who the voices belong to, but I can tell one of them is pissed off while the other is trying to calm them down. It sounds like a male and a female, but my brain is a little foggy from last night to focus on it.

The amount of alcohol I drank last night honestly wasn't that much compared to my normal intake, yet here I am in bed with the beginnings of a bad hangover. The sun shines right through my window, illuminating the room and allowing me to see the messiness of it. My shirt from last night is on the floor, paint stains all over it. My shoes are scattered around the room with paint splatters on them. There are footprint-sized paint stains on the carpet of my room, which I know Louis will kill me for. As I lift my arm up, I can see smeared paint on my skin and a lot of smeared paint on my bed sheets. The party was a great idea, but the theme I picked has a lot of required cleaning. I didn't think this through.

Last night was wild. Everything turned out perfectly and just the way I imagined it to be in my head. I could have cried with how amazing and incredible it all went. Everyone was drinking and dancing and having fun, and I saw some people making out in almost every inappropriate spot in the house, which makes me ecstatic. That's just the kind of party I like. 

I also think I saw Zayn dancing with a girl, which was strange. I'm not sure if he was doing that just because he can or if he was trying to make me jealous, but I think I need to let him know it didn't work at all. I know that game. I invented it. Did he really think it would work on me? And what's the point in trying to make someone jealous if you're not going to kiss a random stranger? Where's the fun in that?

Not like Zayn dancing with a guy would have made me feel any different. I have already made it crystal clear to him that I don't want anything more than a hookup. I'm not sure what is so difficult for him to understand about that, but here we stand in a sticky situation because he can't let go.

My thoughts are interrupted as I hear the sink in my bathroom begin to run. I wasn't aware that anyone else was in here with me, but then again I do share a room with Louis. Knowing him, he's up at the ass crack of dawn every damn morning.

But as the bathroom door opens up, I'm pleasantly surprised to see Eleanor walk out in a shirt of mine. 

"Oh, you're awake," she laughs as she ties her long hair back and walks over to my bed, sitting down on the other side.

"Indeed I am," I nod my head and sit up. "Did we have sex?"

The way her cheeks turn pink automatically gives me my answer before she says a word. Hell yes, Niall. Pat on the back. I'm two for two with our visitors. 

"Yeah, we did. But do you mind not telling anyone? At least not Louis. We had a very heartbreaking conversation during the party, and I can't imagine how this is going to go over for him," she exhales a deep breath and looks over to the other bed. "God, I am a horrible friend to him. He tells me he loves me, and I sleep with the guy he shares a room with."

I get out of bed and grab the nearest pair of boxers as I walk around the room looking for a shirt. "It's not the end of the world, honey. I'm sure he'll get over it soon." As I slip on a tank top, I walk over to Eleanor and grin before I place my hand at the back of her neck and lean down to kiss her. "I just had to do that one last time. I might not make it out of this house alive if Louis finds this out, so I needed one more go."

She shakes her head and stands up, finding the shorts she wore last night. "Honestly, I don't think I'll make it back to Seattle before I die."

The two of us put on clothes as she gathers her things. She's been staying in the girls' room, so we somehow have to get her down there without anyone catching us. I'm in for the thrill of this. It's always much more fun when you're trying not to get caught for having sex. I mean, having sex is fun, but it's a lot more exciting when the possibility of getting caught is fairly high.

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