The Intervention

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A/N: FUN FACT ... I intended to have Brooke & Harry as one of the couples in the house that lasted throughout the entire time they lived there. But I got really annoyed that I was writing all this info in chapters about the other characters in the story and people completely ignored it and only focused on Brooke & Harry. And as a writer of a story with 8 main characters, it was really frustrating to see people only paying attention to 2. So I changed A LOT of the storyline and honestly after I separated the two of them, you guys started making comments and paying more attention to the other characters in the house so ... sorry not sorry :$


I nearly have a heart attack as I sit on my bed, quietly reading a book before Brooke bursts through the door. She scares me half to death that I toss the book into the air and yelp in fear. It didn't help much that I was reading a Stephen King novel. The book lands on the floor with the pages spread apart, and I mentally curse her for making me lose my page number.

"I don't know what's happening," Brooke paces back and forth across my room with the most stressed out look I've ever seen her wear, which is beginning to actually mean something since that's the only look she's been wearing for the past week. "Why am I like this?"

"What are you talking about?" I sit up straight on my bed, now that my anxiety has calmed down some. I watch as she continues to pace my room until she stops and falls onto my bed face first.

"I slept with Mikaela's brother last night," Brooke mumbles into my bedspread. She rolls onto her back and stares at the ceiling. "I didn't remember it happening when I woke up this morning, but now that it's been a couple hours and my brain has begun to function for the day, I completely remember it happening. I wasn't even that drunk at the club, but I whispered something to him while we were dancing about how he is really hot and that I wanted to kiss him, which I guess turned into much more than just kissing. But we slept on the couch in the living room! Zee, how skanky is that!?"

My eyes blink a few times as I try to process everything she just said. I remember the two of them being extra close at the club and feeling a tad bit annoyed that Niall was trying to weasel his way in with Andy as well. And I also remember having a couple thoughts about Andy and I, but that's besides the point. 

I was not aware that the two of them were the ones sleeping on the couch downstairs. I'll admit I heard some noises, mainly moaning and some grunting, but I didn't think it was them. Honestly, I don't know who I thought it was, but now that I have been informed that it was Brooke and Andy, my mind is forever tainted. I love Brooke and all, but I don't love her enough to want to know what she sounds like during sex. 

As I stare at Brooke lying down on my bed, I shut my eyes and begin to think of everything that's happened with her. Believe me, I have met some people in my life that were hot messes but she has definitely got to take the cake for the hottest mess. She keeps going in circles and acting like a hypocrite; I can honestly see why everyone in the house has sort of cut her off. I don't blame them. No one likes to be around a person like that, but I'm not going to leave her. She's been a great friend to me, and the very least I can do is be a great friend to her. She needs someone in the house or else she will quite literally explode. And I would feel terrible for sitting back and watching it happen.

"Bee, you're a mess," I shake my head and offer a sympathetic smile. I want to be straightforward with her without hurting her feelings, but I know that is near to impossible.

"I know, I know. I don't know what's wrong with me. It's like my circuits are jammed. I mean, even Mikaela is pissed off at me. It takes a lot to piss that girl off," Brooke groans before she throws her hands up. "Is it really that bad that I slept with her brother? I mean, Andy can do what he wants, and I'm sure that's exactly what he's done all his life. Why is it so bad that I had sex with him? He doesn't have a problem with it, so why does she?"

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