In Da Club

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"But you don't have the same last name," I narrow my eyes at Mickey and Andy in a skeptical manner. "Andy Samuels and Mikaela Moore. Are you two just friends that are so close you consider each other siblings?"

Almost all of us are standing in the kitchen together, wanting to meet this dude that just walked into our house and claims to be Mickey's brother. I suppose they do sort of look similar but not entirely. They have similar noses and face shapes, they share some of the same mannerisms, and they almost have the same smile. But I'm not really convinced they're related.

My first impression of the guy was that he's hot as fuck. He's big and tall, kind of a manly man, has a brilliant jawline, and an incredible sense of style. He's one of the very few guys I want pinning me against a wall. Typically I like to do the pinning, but I'll make an exception for this guy. If Mickey wasn't around, I'd be on him like a monkey on bananas. 

He brought a small duffle bag with him, so I'm assuming he's staying for a few days. I'll definitely offer my room to him to stay in. I have no problem sharing my bed with this stranger. We won't be strangers for very long, I can promise that.

However, I'm going to have to act fast because Brooke is looking at him like a piece of meat, and if she gets her claws in first, she'll murder me for making a move on him. 

"Well, we're really half-siblings," Andy answers my question. "We don't share the same dad."

"Interesting," I nod my head.

"How long are you here?" Brooke asks, doing that stupid innocent eyed look to make herself a little more attractive. I can't deny that it's working, but it's pissing me off. She's definitely going to grab him before I can. I'll have to see what happens later and go from there.

"Just a few days," he wraps his arm around Mickey's shoulders and smiles down at her. "I just wanted to see how my baby sis is doing all the way out here on the west coast."

The expression of happiness on Mickey's face is so big and bright. I can tell the two of them have a very close relationship, so I wonder how she would feel if one of her friends tried to hookup with her brother. I'll have to be sneaky about it and make sure she has no idea what's going on in my head. 

Liam glances at the watch on his wrist and shrugs. "We should do something tonight."

"A club!" I shout, a little too eager. 

I can see Zayn shoot me a look from across the kitchen, and I have no idea what he's trying to convey to me. I enjoy going to clubs, and if he doesn't want to go then he can stay behind. 

Unless he's referring to what has happened the last two times we've been to a club. Don't get me wrong, the dude is really hot and the sex was actually kind of great, but I'm not looking for anything serious. I hope he's aware of that. I don't need him turning into Brooke, and with the amount of time the two of them have spent together, I'm beginning to wonder if they're morphing into the same person. 

I like Zayn. He's a cool dude that's a little too introverted but knows how to get it on in the bedroom, and that's great. He can be my go-to when I don't have anyone to bring home from the club. I wonder if he's interested in just being fuck buddies. 

"I'm down with a club," Andy nods his head. 

Even though it was my idea, he looks to Liam. It must be something about being a manly man that all the testosterone-overload dudes find each other and become best friends instantly. I find it annoying. It's like that group of girls that constantly giggle and do everything together and talk about their shopping crises, except these are muscular guys that are nearly just meatheads talking about how much protein they get a day and how often they spend their time in the gym with the occasional discussion of how they cut up their t-shirts. 

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