Meet Aubrey & Liam

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a/n: hiiii, for those that happened to notice that i changed the rating to R, it's so that this story doesn't get ranked (& now i can write whatever i want without worrying about the rating lol). it's not bc this is going to be some pornographic/smutastic story, which it won't be. maybe there'll be a couple scenes of that sort, but don't expect it for every update. if you're looking for some R rated story that is nothing but pornographic scenes, i can direct you to a certain series that is exactly that ;)


My eyes open up to an unfamiliar room. Even after adjusting to the dim lighting and rubbing my eyes a few times, I still don't recognize it. The bed is unfamiliar and a lot more cozy than my own, there's movie posters covering the walls, and clothes are thrown all over the floor. And that's when I realize that I'm naked. Naked in a stranger's bed.

If I had a dollar for every time this happened ... actually let's not think of what I could do with that money.

Turning my head to the side, I notice a sleeping body laying next to me. He's not too shabby looking, so I mentally pat myself on the back. His jawline is covered in a little bit of scruff to give him this sexiness, his dark hair somehow looks like it's been untouched, and the blanket has exposed his defined shoulder and chest muscles.

Nice job, Aubrey. If only I could remember what happened the night before.

Cautiously sliding out of the bed, making sure I don't wake this stranger up, I tiptoe to my clothes that lay on the other side of the room and quickly change into them. They're all wrinkled and nasty, and I have thoughts about 'borrowing' some of this stranger's clothes.

I don't put my heels back on because, let's be real, I'm not wearing these right now. My feet hurt, and walking around in these shoes at 6AM does not sound appealing.

There's a twenty dollar bill sitting on the bedside table. I have no idea if it's mine or his, but I just assume it's mine. I quickly snatch the bill and shove it into my bra as I think of the best way to get out of here. I could leave through the front door, but I don't know what I'll encounter on the way out. Roommates? A yappy dog? An alarm system? Who the hell knows.

I make a quick decision and settle for leaving through the window, which turns out to be a terrible idea because apparently this guy lives on the eighth floor of this building. As quietly as I can, I open the window and head down the fire escape with my heels in my hand. Gotta keep things exciting, right?

After a long and tiring climb down the stairs, I make it into an alley and out onto the streets of New York City. Even at this early hour in the day, there are cars whizzing by and people walking down the sidewalks. They aren't kidding when they call it the city that never sleeps.

It takes me a long time to get back to my own apartment, plus I stopped at Dunkin' Donuts for a coffee and had an awkward conversation with the cashier. When I finally get to my place, I immediately jump in the shower and scrub myself clean. This is almost a daily routine; I'm not sure how I feel about it.

By the time I step out of the shower, it's past 8AM, and I can hear my roommates already making breakfast. I don't even bother with a bra as I pull on a big t-shirt and some underwear before I walk out into the kitchen.

"Aubrey! Didn't know you came back already," one of my roommates, Macy, calls out as she turns around at the stove.

My other roommate, Shelley, looks up from her magazine and her eyes go bright, "Oh my god! Tell us about last night! How was Mr. O'Donoghue lookalike?"

"It was good," I lie, faking a smile and sitting down on the stool next to Shelley. I must've been so wasted because don't even remember last night. I'll just play it off and pretend I actually know what happened. "Really good, actually. He's kind of a freak, but nothing too crazy."

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