Taco Night

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I step into the grocery store, following behind three of my new housemates.

My arrival at the house was interesting, to say the least. One of the housemates, a girl named Mikaela, had excitedly opened the door just before she started squealing about how excited she was. She was so bubbly and happy, someone walking down the street might've thought she won the lottery or something. It was insane, and I'm going to be sharing a room with her for the next three months.

For my own sanity, I really hope she tones it down a little bit.

But I met the rest of the housemates and they're all pretty cool, so this should be a really fun summer. Everyone is so different, which is great because if we were all so similar, things would just be so boring, which is how things with Macy and Shelley are sometimes. The three of us are just too similar in a lot of aspects, so there really isn't any diversity in the stuff we do. Honestly, it gets boring after a while.

The fact that I'm sharing a room with two other girls, one that is the human form of the energizer bunny and one that is just so laid back and relaxed, it's a nice balance.

"Well, Harry, lead the way," Brooke speaks, flashing Harry a smile.

Brooke, Harry, Zayn, and I came to the grocery store together to get food for dinner. I don't know why, but Brooke insisted on having a taco night, to which Harry agreed on. And then it just snowballed from there with everyone else agreeing. So here we are, in the grocery store buying whatever it is we need to make tacos.

I don't cook, and I made that very clear to everyone. I'll gladly do the cleaning up after dinner if someone else wants to cook the meal. I'm not entirely domestic like that.

Harry said he will cook tacos, and Brooke said she'll help him with it. Mikaela went to some store with Liam to buy party cups and all that, and I think Niall said he was going to stay in the house to 'break in' the guy he was sharing a room with. Those two, Niall and Louis, are going to be very interesting to watch share a room.

"So we need meat, taco seasoning, and then all the stuff to put on it," Harry draws his eyebrows together, looking at all the aisles as if he's trying to decide where to start. He's a little nerdy. Nobody would've expected that coming from him because he's so hot. And honestly, I don't know any nerd that's got as many tattoos as he does. But you can totally tell by his mannerisms and the way he talks, that he's super smart. "Are we doing tacos with the shells and tortillas, or are we doing taco salad?"

"Taco salad, definitely," Brooke answers.

She pushes the shopping cart in one direction as Zayn goes in the other, saying he's grabbing some alcohol. I follow him, of course. I can already sense some kind of thing brewing between Brooke and Harry, friendship or romance, and I'm not going to get in the way of that. The two of them are kind of cute.

Zayn and I walk down the aisle filled with shelves of alcohol. There's a refrigerated section on the left with a bunch of beer and a wine section on the right.

"I'll grab some beer, you pick the wine?" Zayn asks me.

"Um, sure," I nod my head and start scanning the shelves.

I have no idea what bottles to pick. I don't know anything about which wines are good or bad. I assume the ones that are more expensive are the ones I should grab, but at what point am I spending enough?

Maybe I'm standing there with a confused look on my face, or maybe I'm staring at the shelves too long, but Zayn is suddenly at my side, holding two 24-packs of beer.

"Well are you going to pick something?" He laughs, barely struggling to keep the cases of beer from slipping out of his grip. "What's it going to be?"

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