Meet the Parents ... Take Two

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I step into the restaurant, walking in right behind Aubrey as I hold the door open for her. I'm anxious to be here. I'm annoyed, unwilling, and just about close-minded. I don't want to be back here in St. Louis, meeting my parents in a restaurant to talk. Aubrey and I have a flight back to California to catch in a few hours and I don't need the stress of a conversation with my parents. 

The only reason I'm here is because Harry somehow convinced me that it would be a good idea to speak with my parents again. I'm skeptical of the whole thing, but he's a smart guy so I'm assuming he's right. If there's one thing I'm hoping that comes out of this meeting, it's that the air is cleared and blame isn't placed on Aubrey. I would like for my dad to understand my point of view, but I honestly don't think it's going to happen.

Coming into this restaurant, knowing what's about to happen, really puts a damper on the mood that's carried over from last night. The party was a lot more fun than I expected it to be, and maybe it was because the boys took kindly to me having a girlfriend. I would have thought they'd laugh in my face and make fun of the fact that the notorious 'pussy hungry' guy has happily settled for one pussy. Had this been Tom or Sandy, I would have never let them live it down. They were probably really fucking curious as to how I could be gone for just over a month and come back nearly a completely different person with a girlfriend. Hell, I'm curious as to how it happened.

I know a lot of the guys spent the night talking to Aubrey and telling her all about my previous conquests on and off campus. I was kind of fucking annoyed knowing that was happening, but it didn't seem to bother her at all. She laughed and joked around with them, and for all I know, she could have been sharing a few of her own personal bedroom stories. We were separated at the party just about the entire time because I had my friends that wanted to catch up and ask how the fuck I ended up with a girlfriend and my other friends wanted to meet Aubrey. 

There was a wave of relief and satisfaction when Tom and Sandy let me know they were actually happy I have a girlfriend. At one point, I pulled Tom to the side, knowing he's my closest mate on the team. He's the only one I gave a heads up to about my intentions to quit the team, and instead of becoming upset and having a fucking meltdown, he was understanding. I was certainly surprised to hear him say that he's cool with whatever I felt was right for me because I expected him to try and persuade me to stay.

Maybe I don't give my friends enough credit. They're really fucking cool. 

After having really enjoyed the night, it's painful to have to deal with my parents this afternoon. Driving two hours back from Columbia to meet them instead of heading straight to the airport is not how I planned to spend the day. And I'm sure it's definitely not how Aubrey wanted to spend her time either. Of course she'll be on Harry's side when it comes to why I'm meeting with my parents again, but I highly doubt she would have voluntarily come with me if I hadn't asked her to.

As I look around the dining area of the restaurant, I spot my parents sitting at a booth towards the back wall. Usually my dad requests a table near the center so he's in the perfect spot for everyone to see him, but I assume he's chosen the back now that I've fractured his nose. He probably doesn't want people to see how ugly his nose looks. 

Aubrey holds my hand as we make our way to the booth, walking very close behind me as if any short distance between us is too much. My parents watch us like hawks waiting to attack, which makes me even more uncomfortable to be here, so I can't imagine how Aubrey feels. We slide into the booth, sitting across from them and not saying a word. I don't really feel like being the first one to speak up and I know my girlfriend won't be the first to say anything. 

The air between the four of us is so thick and full of tension, either my dad or myself will be the first to snap. Count on it. 

"How are you two?" My mom greets, offering a small smile as she tries to play the good cop. 

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