Second Chances

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Liam pays for my coffee drink as we stop in to hang out at a cafe down the street from our house. It feels like ages have gone by since just the two of us got together, so I felt it was necessary for us to grab coffee with each other. 

I've missed hanging out with him and being his little secret keeper. As of late, it seems as if Harry has become his new best friend, and it saddens me that I've been replaced. I don't actually know if he's replaced me with Harry, but it kind of feels that way. I could just be making things up in my head. But the two of us have been pretty busy on our own lately, which I think is the reason we haven't sat down together and talked. I know this past week he's had some issues with Aubrey, and I've been trying to figure out what the heck is going on in my life. We haven't even thought about each other. But now that we are here together, I'm feeling much better.

Liam grabs a table by the window as I pick up both of our drink orders. His hair is nicely styled, his clothes are on point, and his eyes are sparkling brightly. Also, he seems to be radiating great energy, just absolutely glowing, and I know it's not the sun shining on him through the window. He's in a wonderful mood, which is totally obvious by the genuine smile on his face as I approach the table.

"What's got you all smiley?" I ask as I sit down across from him. In all the time we've lived together, I don't think I have seen him this happy.

He takes a sip of his drink and shakes his head. "Nothing. I'm just glad we're hanging out. I've missed your weirdness."

"You're such a loser ... and a liar. But I'll let it slide," I laugh. 

The two of us haven't really talked in a while, and I feel like there is so much I want to tell him. I just have no idea where to start. I also have so many things I want to ask him, like what's going on with him and Aubrey because this week looked like there was trouble in paradise. And I haven't talked to him about that date that he took her on, so I definitely want to ask about that as well. We might be here all day.

"I had a conversation with Brooke this morning," I start off, seeing his expression change from one of happiness to a bit standoffish. 

"What did she want?"

"She only wanted to apologize for sleeping with Andy."

"Oh really now?" Liam rolls his eyes. "It's taken her this long?"

"Well, at least she is apologizing for it. I'll admit I was very upset with her at the time, and even though some things have changed, I do appreciate her apology. It's better late than never," I shrug my shoulders and take a sip of my coffee. "Besides, I think she is trying to turn over a new leaf since her little blow up. We should give her a second chance."

"You're a lot nicer than I am."

"We live with her. It's the least we can do to keep the peace. I really do believe she's trying," I nod my head and hope that Liam is willing to give her another chance. She didn't do much to him, and I understand that she disrespected a girl that he is interested in, but I still think he should give her a chance to apologize and be forgiven. "She tried telling me that my brother is a jerk."

Liam laughs as he takes a sip of his drink. "Well, she's right about that. Andy is a fucking asshole. No offense."

"None taken. I recently discovered that with Louis, and speaking of, what do you think of Bradley?" I ask, curious to know his answer.

I'm pretty sure I already know that he's indifferent to the guy, but that was when he first met him. Now that time has passed and he's been able to get to know the guy better, I need to know what he thinks of him. Of all the people in my life, it's crazy to think that I value Liam's opinion of a guy more than anyone else's. Boy, have times already changed so much.

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