Chapter Four

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Finding Life

Part 5 • Death

"...I can't help myself. I love him and I can't stop loving him."

-Lana, Lucifer's Lover


I wait for Lily at the dinner table.
Earlier this day, I asked the chefs to cook an extravagant meal and I think they outshone themselves. The food was placed on the table and I must say everything looks divine.

After I talked to Lily in my office, I left her alone for the rest of the day. I let her speak to her ladies in waiting and let them do whatever the hell they wanted. I only requested Lilith to bring Lily to the dining hall for dinner.

I look up to see Lily walking down the staircase with Florence, Lilith and Ana behind her. She looks gorgeous in a knee length crimson dress. Lily's long, dark hair is curled to perfection and a diamond headband rests upon her head.

Only the best for my bride.

I pull out a seat for Lily, one next to my own, which is at the head of the table. She didn't take it. Instead, Lily walks all the way down to the opposite end of the table and sits at the other end. Her actions make the smile on my face diminish.

I sit at my end of the table and let Lily sit at her end. Lily's ladies aren't eating with us, therefore it's only us.

The servers come out and serve us the first course.

More courses come as the time passes, but neither one of us have uttered a single word. I decided to speak first, when dessert is being served.

"I meant to talk to you about something very important before you left my office this morning," I say.

"Okay," Lily says hesitantly, "What?"

"Our marriage," I smile.

"What?" Lily screamed.

She pushes her chair back and rose from her seat, fire burning in her emerald eyes.

"We are not getting married!" she yells.

It feels like a bullet piercing through my heart. God told me to expect this kind of reaction.

"But we are meant to be together," I say, "We are Life and Death."

Lily shakes her head no. "I am not Life! Find someone else to be her because I'm quite content with my life in England!"

I will not cry. I will not cry.

"Give me a chance," I say. "Our marriage is supposed to be next week. We can make it work."

"This is madness!" Lily screams. "This isn't real. Someone tell me this isn't real. I must be in some sort of nightmare."

She thinks that I am a nightmare?

"Tell you what," I say, "I'll let you have your freedom after two months. During these two months, both of us have to try our hardest. I will teach you everything about the Afterlife. You have to marry me next week in order to become Life. After that, you will do your job as Life. If you're still not satisfied then I'll let you leave."

"What if I don't accept?" Lily asks.

"We still get married and you will have no chance of freedom," I say through gritted teeth.

She sighs. "Then you give me no choice. I accept your offer."

When I hear those words, the anger inside me beings to subdue. I vow to give everything I have to make Lily stay. I will give her everything.

I will give her my love.


Flashback - Earlier That Day Hespereeds, The Vėrge

I sit down with Lana, my old friend. I always think about how she can possibly waste her time on Lucifer. He isn't worth it.

Lana's golden hair is being weaved into an elegant braided updo as we speak. She's preparing to go to a fancy party on Earth. I'm quite happy that she let me talk to her as she got ready.

"I'm going to bring Lily home today, in less than an hour," I say.

"Oh!" Lana says, smiling. "Lily will absolutely love you and your AfterLife, Sebastian. When she becomes more comfortable here, do bring her to Hespereeds to meet me! Perhaps she can meet my granddaughter, Liana, and they will become close friends!"

I nod my head as Lana applies blusher to her cheeks to add more color to her pallid skin. I've never had the courage to ask Lana why her skin is so pale. I would worry for her had she not been dead.

"What if she doesn't accept me, Lana? What is she's frightened by me and my power?" I ask.

Lana laughs softly. "I doubt it. If anything is going to scare her it'll be Arachne and Eœs. Keep Lily far from them and their taxi of doom."

"I don't think I can," I say, laughing. "Arachne will be weaving Lily's wedding dress."

Arachne and Eœs are immortal beings, but after a situation they were both in, they were cursed to be taxi drivers. The thing is: Eœs is blind and he is the driver. So sitting in the backseat of their taxi of doom would definitely be terrifying.

"Oh, a wedding," Lana exclaims. "I cannot wait. A wedding means shopping! A dress, shoes, jewelry-yes!"

Lana finishes applying dark red lipstick to her bare lips.

"How do I look?" she asks.

"Stunning," I say.

She nods and dismisses the servants who did her hair.

Lana sighs. "I wish Lucifer was here. I love him so much and I can't bare to see him leave me. I know he's spending time with his wife, Lucinda, and I know Lucifer is a two timing bastard, but I can't help myself. I love him and I can't stop loving him."

"He's with Lucinda?" I ask.

I couldn't help but ask that question instead of comforting my friend. Lucifer never spends time with his wife anymore. I can't help but think that he might be planning something.

"Yes," Lana says, "They're in Hell together."

I nod. "I know you love him and I know he has feelings for you too. Just know that I'll be here to punch Lucifer if he hurts you."

Lana laughs and I laugh with her.

"I hope Lily is the right one for you. I hope she's the perfect one for you. I don't want you to have to keep on looking for Life," Lana says.

"I know she's the one," I say.

"After centuries of searching for Life," Lana says, "I hope you are right."


Author's Note

As you can see, I've changed my cover. I like this a lot more than my last one.
Also, the picture is the dress that Lily is wearing.


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