Chapter Twenty-Three

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Finding Life

Part 24 • Lily

"Fairies? You guys can't be serious. Tell me, does Tinker Belle exist?" 

—Erin Hart


The brisk, cool air of Califronia welcomes me.

Shaylee transported me from Seelie Court to a boy's house in Sacremento. I'm standing in a bedroom that I can tell belongs to this unkown, unfortunate boy. His walls are blue and covered in posters of singers; his bed is covered in clothes and his desk is a mess.

The window is ajar, letting in a breeze, which calms me. To the boy it'll feel like he just woke up from a terribly sweet nightmare, Shaylee said. I'm taking the boy to his doom, yet I don't even know his name.

The door swings open, making me gasp. The boy, with black hair and a cold stare, walks into the room. He walks with a straight back, and when he sees me in the corner of the room, his eyes widen.

"Don't scream," I say, sternly.

"Who the hell are you?" He asks. "My mom is in the other room. I'm going to call her and we'll call the police."

"You can't, please," I say, "I don't want to hurt you. My name is Lily. I help people and I need you to help me."

"Why? I don't even know you," he says, "Mo—"

I run up to him, as fast as I can and grasp onto his shoulders. Within seconds, I've successfully transported us into Foster's throne room.

"What was that?" He bellows, "What are you?"

The boy takes a look around the room. He stares at Foster, the blue haired man chained to a throne; his eyes fall over Shaylee, the girl he will fall in love with. From afar, I see her bat her eyelashes. Lana, however, has disappeared.

"I just transported us," I say, "We're now in Seelie Court. He's their King, Foster Raybould. And the girl? She's Queen Shaylee from Unseelie Court."

"I don't know what your talking about," he says, "And I really don't care. If you can transport, take me home!"

"She can't," says Shaylee, "Lily speaks the truth. You belong with us now, Erin."

"H–how do you know my name?" Erin shrieks out.

He's frightened. The boy is frightened and I wish I could calm him.

"As she said, I'm a Queen," Shaylee says, "And I know all. You will fit in very well with my Court. Shall I take you there?"

"No, never," Erin spits out.

Foster smirks. "Erin, take some risks. I promise it's not that bad over at Shaylee's court."

"Why would I trust you? You're all deranged and mental," Erin says. "Thinking your Kings and Queens. Who would you be, Lily? Queen of Heaven or something?"

Fosters scoffs. "You think she can be the Queen of Heaven? Funny."

"I'm Life. I'm one of God's helpers," I say, knowing he won't believe it, "And these two are fairies."

"Fairies?" he scoffs. "You guys can't be serious. Tell me, does Tinker Bell exist?"

"Tinker who?" Shaylee asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

Knowing that he's probably kidding, I keep my mouth shut, wanting to not discuss Disney fairy tales.

"And God is real?" Erin asks.

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