Chapter Two

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Finding Life

Part 3 • Death

"She shall grant you much happiness in your life, making the next years unforgettable."

-Thanatos, God of Death


"Thanatos!" I scream.

My assistant, Thanatos, only has to be called once before he shows up at my office door. Thanatos has an aura of death that can kill any mortal, making him the perfect assistant.

"Yes?" Thanatos asks.

"I have just come back from speaking to my bride to be," I say.

"Please do not tell me you simply told her that she must marry you," Thanatos says, horror evident in his eyes.

"No, no," I shake my head. "Do you think that low of me? I told her that she'll be coming to my home in due time. Which is tomorrow, by the way."

"Does she want to come?" Thanatos asked.

"I- I hope so," I say.

Will Lily be reluctant to marry me? She is my fated half, of course. Lily will learn to love me and care for me, as I have to her. We'll be Death and Life, Life and Death. Our powers will compliment each other perfectly.

"You don't sound too sure," Thanatos says.

I scowl. "You know that Lily and I are meant to be! I have waited for her for centuries and now she is finally here. Now that she is of age, it is time for me to bring her home, and show her who she is truly meant to be."

Thanatos smiles at my words. "I know Lily is your fated. She shall grant you much happiness in your life, making the next years unforgettable. I wish you much luck, Death."

"Thank you, Thanatos," I say. "Now I must go back to court so I can evaluate the lives of the newly deceased."

"Doesn't evaluating bore you?" Thanatos asks.

"Of course it does," I answer, "These souls are so confused, it sometimes makes me laugh."


When I reach court, my three helpers are already there evaluating the lives of the souls. Edith, Scarlett and Dianne have been evaluators since the dawn of time. They have existed longer than I.

I come to court almost everyday to evaluate the lives of people with special cases, or just special people in general.

Today, I'm evaluating a man named George. In his life, he was a thief. He stole clothes, food and money. However, he stole these things to care for his family. He was a caring father and husband, but other than the thievery, he led a boring life.

I decide he will become an Angel. Even if he did bad in his life, he had a purpose to do so. For his courage, he receives Heaven. George will repay his sins as a theif in the White Side for two years before he can make his way to Heaven.

"George," I say, "You will be granted Heaven, for your courage in protecting and caring for your family. You will go to Xades in the White Side and repay your sins for two years."

George nods his head and bows.

"Dismissed," I say.

The next soul comes in and I continue giving judgement until the sun sets.


At night, after dinner, I go to Lily's bedroom. I helped design everything. The furniture was my choosing and so was all the clothes in her new closet.

Lily's bedroom is joined to my own room by a door. After our marriage, Lily will move to my room.

Lilith, who will be Lily's lady in waiting, is here putting the final touches to Lily's room.

"Lilith," I say, "Is everything fine?"

"Yes," Lilith says.

I nod my head and leave to go to my own room. I knew I would be restless and anxious tonight. I just wanted Lily to be here, with me.


"Sire," Lilith says to Thanatos, "Maybe I can go with Death. Perhaps she will see me as a human like herself and trust me."

I look at her with doubt.

"It could work," Thanatos reasons. "Death, you look pretty scary. I think Lilith's innocence will help put Lily at ease and trust you."

"Why wouldn't anyone trust me?" I ask, smirking, "I am Death."

Lilith's orchid lips curl into a smile, showing her bright, white teeth. A simple milkmaid turned into a lady in waiting, is requesting to meet my bride with me. Perhaps, I could allow it. Their reason makes sense.

"Okay," I sigh. "Lilith, I will teleport both of us to Lily's apartment in an hour. Please be ready by then."

I walk out of my office, knowing that Thanatos and Lilith will come out in a minute since they shouldn't be there without me. Instead of going to court, like I should, I go to Hespereeds, a city in the Vėrge.

The Vėrge is the name of the land between the White Side and the Dark Side. Souls do not reside in the Vėrge since they must be in the White or Dark Side to repay sins.

However, people who already repayed their sins can reside in the Vėrge. I'm visiting Lana, a lover of Lucifer, my enemy.

Now, I have nothing against Lana. She's a good friend of mine, after all. It is Lucifer who I am against.

I want to talk to Lana about what's to happen in the future: Lily's arrival, my marriage to Lily and her transformation into a Supernatural.


I know this is really short, but bear with me. It get's better as it goes along.

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