Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Finding Life

Part 38 • Lily

"Your mother and father are in this very jail."

—Owen Bridgemore, Head of E.A.O


"I believe you and God," Sir Bridgemore says.

God and I have been dealing with Arden and Elliott Anderson for about half an hour now. Arden's still behind bars shape-shifted as me. Elliott is in the corner of the room, silently drawing. God told me that he took Elliott home to the City of Angels overnight, but Elliott wouldn't say one word to God.

"I think I should go get Arden," Sir Bridgemore says, "Perhaps she will spill the truth."

I nod, really wanting to get this whole thing over with. Sir Bridgemore stands up and leaves the room.

I don't look at God, but instead at the ring Kendra gave me. I feel terrible for leaving her and the other demons there, pregnant and alone with Lucifer. At least I told Sir Bridgemore about what Lucifer plans on doing with the demons. He can help Death.

"Death!" I scream. "Where is he?"

I look at God. He shrugs.

"What do you mean?" I say. "You know. Why won't you tell me?"

"You'll find out."

I roll my eyes and realize that I haven't felt sick ever since I left that meeting with Kendra. I look down and realize that I have a baby bump. Already. It's only been a week, maybe more, but I look half-way done with the pregnancy.

"Do you know when the baby will be born?" I ask God. "At least tell me this."

God nods. "Two days time."

My eyes almost fall out of their sockets. "You've got to be kidding."

My life is a mess right now and I don't want to have a baby to take care of in the middle of it. I don't even know where her father is.

Just then, Sir Bridgemore enters the room, with Arden behind him. She looks like her normal self. I think I'd freak out if I saw a duplicate of myself.

"Arden!" Elliott shrieks.

He throws his pencil in the hair and runs to his twin sister. Elliott embraces Arden in a hug, and she, looking dumbfounded, slowly wraps her arms around him and pats him on the back.

"Good to see you again," Arden says, pulling away.

"Are you okay?" Elliott asks.

Arden nods. "Are you?"

"I am."

They silently whisper with each other, but then, Owen pulls them apart. He forces Elliott and Arden to sit in a chair.

"I'm going to ask you two some questions," Owen says, "and you must answer them honestly."

They don't say anything, or even do anything. There it is- the robotic vibe they give off. I don't know how Arden and Elliott are capable of sitting there, emotionless.

"Are you working with Lucifer?" Owen asks.

"We're his children," Arden says.

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