Chapter Seventeen

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Finding Life

Part 18 • Lily

"You can choose between Heaven and Hell with just a click of the mouse."

-God, Master of the Universe


"How am I supposed to get to Heaven?" I ask.

"You have to teleport there," Death says, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"And how do I do that?" I ask.

"It's really simple," he says, "All you have to do is visualize the place you want to go to and will yourself to go there."

"That sounds hard," I say, honestly.

Today is supposed to be my first day at work-except I don't know how to get there.

Death grins. "It's not. Try teleporting to my office."

"Will you come?" I ask.

"Yes," he says, "I'll teleport myself there."

I close my eyes and welcome the blank, vast emptiness. I visualize the white walls of Death's office, his dark wooden desk with piles of papers on top of it, the grey sofa, and I imagine myself going there.

The emptiness I saw only a second ago comes back and then I hear Death saying, "Open your eyes."

I do as I'm said and I find myself sitting on the grey sofa in Death's office.

"I did it!" I say as a huge smile appears on my face.

Death laughs with glee as I walk up to him. I cup his cheeks with my hands, hoping to bring him closer to me, and he does. I connect my lips to his and kiss him as I close my eyes.

I pull apart first, gasping for air. Death leans up and kisses my forehead, then rests his own on mine.

"How do you do it?" I ask him, catching my breath.

"What?" Death asks, smiling like a little girl.

"Not breathe," I say, "How did you learn to stop breathing?"

I pull apart from him and he replies, "That's a lesson for another day. Now go before God gets angry."

"I'll see you in a bit," I say.

Death walks out of his office, leaving me to transport myself to God, so that I can be taught how to do my job.

I close my eyes and imagine God's throne room; I see the glass walls, his large throne and everyone else's, the marble floor and will myself to go there. The sensation of falling overwhelms me and I can feel a smile on my face.

I open my eyes to darkness, as I still fall through it. In a second, it dissipates, leaving me in God's throne room, where sunlight comes through the large windows. God stands before me, a notebook and pen in his hands; I assume they're for me to take notes with.

"Good morning," God says.

Smiling, I say, "Good morning."

"How's your arm?" God asks.

I show it to him. "It's pretty much gone."

"With the help of your immortality," God says, "The scar will disappear very soon."

I nod my head. "That's what Death told me."

"Follow me," God says, "We're going to the Permanence Room."

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