Chapter Forty-Three

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Finding Life

Part 44 • Lily

"I have to do what Arden tells me to do. She's dominant, remember?"

—Elliott Anderson, Lucifer's Son


"What are you doing here?" I ask, wide-eyed.

Lucifer smirks and says, "My, my, Lily. When's your due date? You're glowing. You look motherly."

I scoff. "That's none of your business."

He shrugs. "I'm here to visit my children and thank you for escaping."

"Why are you thanking me?" I ask.

"I'm being sarcastic," Lucifer says, now standing up. "You've ruined my plans, Lily!"

Lucifer looks ready to kill me. His eyes are wide and watching me. His hands are balled into fists and the veins in his arms are popping out.

"If only you had stayed."

"Lucifer," Owen says.

"Shut up!" Lucifer bellows. "Do not talk, Sir Bridgemore. I'm trying to talk to Lily."

"You said that you came here to see your children," I say, "But the twins aren't children, are they?"

Lucifer looks appalled. He places his hand over his heart in fake disbelief. Cruelly, he laughs. Beside him, Arden and Elliott begin to shape-shift. Their bodies morph from child to adult. Luminous while light surround them, then disappears. Arden and Elliott are adults.

Arden's hair is long and blonde. Her skin is fair and glowing, much as one would expect an Angel's skin to be like. Is she part Angel? Arden and Eliott have freckles across their cheeks. Elliott's hair is blonde too and as curly as it was before. The one thing that didn't change about the twins is their cold, black eyes.

"Meet Arden and Elliott Raybould," Lucifer says. "You're right, Life. They are not children and they are not my children either. Arden and Elliott are the children of Prince Aart Raybould and his wife, Princess Madili Raybould of Seelie Court."

I shake my head. "Elliott, why did you help Lucifer? His plan was to strip Death of his powers, wasn't it?"

Elliott nods. "We helped Lucifer because–well, I didn't want to–Arden wanted to. She wouldn't tell me why. I have to do what Arden tells me to do. She's dominant, remember?"

"Of course," God says, "Whenever twin fairies are born, one is always dominant over the other."

"Arden, why did you decide to help Lucifer?" I ask.

I want to help them. I have a feeling they didn't know what they were getting into.

"Lucifer promised we would get to meet our parents and he'd take them out of jail," Arden says, "He said all I had to do was pretend to be Death's wife and I'll meet my parents. I didn't know it meant kidnapping a queen and going to jail."

"You tricked them!" I say, staring at Lucifer. "You damn Demon!"

"Correction," he says, "I'm a Devil."

"Owen, arrest him!" I scream.

Owen jumps when I scream, but immediately whips out handcuffs and places them around Lucifer's wrists. Owen drags Lucifer away and as Lucifer walks past me, he whispers. I shudder at his words and force them to leave my mind.

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