Chapter Twenty-Four

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Finding Life

Part 25 • Death

"Don't be so overprotective."

—Lana, Lucifer's Lover


I have no explanation as to why Lana would come to my house. I don't know why she took Lily, or where to. But, I'm sure going to find out.

The easiest thing to do is to find Lana. I hope she's at her house because that's where I'm going to look first. I imagine her large house in Hespereeds, and the darkness comes too slowly. I worry that something happened to Lily and Lana.

Once I'm standing in Lana's living room, I scream for her, saying, "Lana? Lily? Are you here?"

I fear they're not because the lights are turned off. It's pitch black here, as if no one is at home.

"Gosh, Death, could you be any louder?" Lana says as she runs down the stairs.

She flicks the white lights on and I almost grimace at Lana's pallid skin. Her skin has always been this way, but the color right now struck me as paler than usual.

"Where's Lily?" I ask.

Of course I'm concerned about Lana's safety, but she's here and looks unharmed. Lily isn't here.

"She was with Foster and Shaylee," Lana says, "Foster needed your and Lily's help. I went to get both of you but Lily was the only one at home."

"So you left my wife alone with those demons?" I say.

"She can handle herself," Lana says. "Don't be so overprotective."

"I am not being overprotective! I'm just being careful because Lily is new here! She doesn't know everything and she doesn't know how corrupt the fairies are!" I scream.

"You need to put some trust in Foster and in Lily," Lana replies.

"Oh, I trust Lily, and I can handle Foster. It's Shaylee who can do the worst damage," I say.

There's a pause between us, and so I say, "I'm sorry for yelling. I've just had a very tiring day."

From going to Empire with Sapphire, getting stabbed by Elliott, finding out I have a son and Lily missing, this day has been hectic.

"Is Lily at Foster's Court?" I ask.

"Yes," Lana says.

I transport myself there. I'm standing in the hallways of Seelie Court; with its tree roots, grass, ferns and flowers decorating the hallways.

When I reach Foster's throne room, the first thing I notice is Foster chained down to his throne. Foster's powder blue hair is covering most of his face, so I don't think he noticed me. Shaylee is trying to take the cuffs off with a key.

At the back of the room, Lily is there, her back facing me. I was expecting to see the dancing fairies, but this will do.

Lily's fine. Thank goodness.

I walk up to her, wanting to embrace her and kiss her, but as soon as I come near, I stop dead in my tracks. Who is she talking to? Who is that guy?

"Hey, Lily," I say hesitantly, "I was so worried when you weren't at home."

She turns around, smiling. "Sorry to scare you, Death. Meet Erin Hart. Erin, this is my husband, Death."

My eyes widen. Why is Erin at Seelie Court? How am I supposed to tell Lily and Erin that he's my son?

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