Chapter Forty

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Finding Life

Part 41 • Death

"So I did some research..."

—Ashton Iris, Agent of E.A.O.


I didn't see Aart at dinner last night. I'm hoping for better luck today. Maybe, just maybe, Aart will be in the cafeteria so I can talk to him.

I sit down in my normal spot by the window and stare at my food. This morning we're being served scrambled eggs that smell disastrous and canned peaches drenched in syrup. As always, there's one slice of bread- which is usually the only thing I attempt at eating.

At the table next to me are two women, chattering away. Normally, I don't eavesdrop on people's conversations, even if their talking about me. I can't help myself today.

"Do you know what Death's in for?" asks the brunette girl.

"I heard a rumor," says the other girl, "He did something to Queen Irene."

"Do you you think he tried to rape her?"

"Sounds like something a person named Death would do."

Furious, I block off their conversation. How dare they say that about me- especially if I'm in ear shot? I would never rape someone.

Stereotypes. I hate them.


Aart sits down at my table. His powder blue hair is damp and looks a shade darker than usual.

"Madili's sitting with her friend again?" I ask.

"No," Aart says, "She had a really bad panic attack, so she's with the nurse. I was forced to come to breakfast."


"Never mind that. Madili is tough; she can get through it."

"Yeah," I say, "So I've been thinking-"

"About what?"

"About," I continue, "your twins. Do you know anything about them? Where they are, what they're doing?"

Aart sighs. "I don't know anything. They were taken away from me one hundred and fifty years ago when they were two days old. That was the last time I saw them."

One hundred and fifty years ago. Arden and Elliott are just children. They told me they're ten years old. It is a possibility that they've been shape shifting as children this entire time. Maybe they're much older, physically, but choose to remain shape shifted as children to conceal their identity. Maybe they choose to do this for Lucifer.

"I've met Arden and Elliott," I tell Aart.

At this, he perks up. Aart looks up from his plastic tray and looks deep into my eyes, as if he's begging me to say more.

"Lucifer adopted them."

"Did he adopt my children right after they were taken away from me and my wife?" Aart asks.

"No," I say, "I don't know much about their past. Lucifer adopted Arden and Elliott a couple months ago."

"What do they look like?" Aart asks.

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