Chapter Eleven

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Finding Life

Part 12 • Lily

"I will always choose you."

-Death, Master of the AfterLife


I keep walking away from the mysterious people, whom I had long lost. I don't know who they are or why the man wanted to 'take me'.

All I know is that I need to get out of Zenith and find Death's palace, or Sapphire, or someone who could help me. It must have been an hour since I first got here.

Is Death looking for me? Is Death walking through this thick fog, screaming for me? I hope he is, otherwise I'll be stuck in this AfterLife, until I die and come here again.

What a pleasant way to die.

Through the fog, I notice someone moving. The person is walking, its back facing me.

"Hello?" I call out.

The person turns around and it's a familiar face that welcomes me. He walks up to me with his dark, messy hair and bright smile.

"Didn't I say that I'll see you again?" he asks.

"Auridan!" I scream, "I am so happy that you're here!"

"Well, of course," Auridan says, "I did say that there will be complications in your life that I'll have to fix. I think this classifies as a complication."

I nod my head, happy tears threatening to spill.

"Can you take me back to Death's palace?" I ask.

"Yes, I can," Auridan says.

He puts his hand out and I take it. In an instant, darkness envelopes us both and together we teleport from that creepy place to Death's palace. I am soon inside Death's living room and that's when I release a sigh of relief.

"Thank you," I say to Auridan.

"Of course," he says, smiling and looking down at me, since he's much taller than me.

I ask him, "How did you know that I was in Zenith?"

"I told you before that I am a special being," Auridan explains, "I was just doing me job."

"Are you a Supernatural?" I ask.

Auridan sighs. "I can't reveal too much to you, Lily. I'm deeply sorry."

"I think I should get to know," I say, "I know about the Supernatural and that there is life beyond death-whatever you say won't scare me."

Auridan makes a face. "You are so persistant, Lily."

I smile at him, trying to get him to tell me what his power is.

"Please," I say, "Tell me."

"Fine," Auridan says, "But don't ask any questions."

I nod my head.

He says, "I am Time."

Then, darkness envelopes Auridan, and he teleports elsewhere, leaving me eager to know more. Instead of thinking too much about it, I go upstairs to try to find someone.

"Hello? Anybody here?" I call out.

I walk through the hallway of the second floor and to my dismay, it's empty. I find another set of stairs near Death's office, so I take those to the third floor. I walk around, aimlessly, calling out for someone.

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