Chapter Thirty-Three

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Finding Life

Part 34 • Lily

"You have to put on your dress."

—Iris, Unseelie Fairy


I feel small. I feel unimportant and useless. Above all that, I feel ashamed. I helped Lucifer enact his plan in destroying my husband. I escaped Lucifer's wrath, yet I don't know where Death is. I really want to see him.

I'm standing in the corner of the room, not really paying attention to the conversation going on. God and Destiny are talking to an Agent of E.A.O— I think his name is Owen, but Destiny keeps calling him Sir Bridgemore. They're explaining that the girl in prison isn't really me, but Arden Anderson.

Elliott is curled up on the floor next to me. He's still crying, but his head is buried between his legs, so I can't see his face. But the kid is definitely crying. I never thought he had a heart, but learning about his sister has really gotten to him. I tried talking to him but it didn't work. Elliott clearly wants to be left alone.

Not knowing what to do with myself, I stand quietly in the corner, staring at my shoes. I'm wearing a pair of leather combat boots that Lucifer gave me. In fact, everything I'm wearing came from Lucifer. Suddenly, I want to take it all off.

I look up and I'm staring out the door. For a quick second, I see a blur of pink. It went too fast for me to know what it was. I see the pink again, it's near the floor, by the corner of the door. It looks like fabric. Who's wearing it?

Then I see her face. She's wearing a dress made out of pink flowers. She's beckoning me to come outside the room. In a trance, I walk towards the door.

Am I seeing things? Is it really her that's there?

When I'm out of the room, I can see that it is her. Shaylee Carson.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper.

"I came to get you out of here, silly!" Shaylee says. "That conference room is so gloomy and so boring."

"How did you even know I'm here?" I ask.

"I've got connections," Shaylee says, "Anyway, don't you want to leave?"

"I don't think I should–," I say.

"That was not my question," Shaylee responds. "Do you want to leave?"

I nod my head. It is boring in that room.

"Good," Shaylee says, "I realized that you've never been to Unseelie Court. Then, I realised that I'm having a party at court. So let's go. Your first fairy party awaits you."

Mesmerised by the thought of going to a fairy party, I nod my head. I barely notice Shaylee slip my hand into her's. Instantly, I'm blinded by light. Is this how it feels to teleport with a fairy?

I don't feel like I'm falling; instead, I feel like I'm flying. The moment vanishes just as quickly as it came. I'm in Unseelie Court, with the Unseelie fairy queen next to me. Death would faint if I ever tell him about this. He hates the fair folk, though I can never understand why.

They're so beautiful. They're courts are so beautiful.

"Come on, Life! We haven't got all day to get ready!" Shaylee says, walking away.

I follow her. I notice that we're in the large throne room, where I assume Shaylee and her court hang around most of the time. I know Foster does that.

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