Chapter Nine

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Finding Life

Part 10 • Lily

"Did I drag you here, young one? Did a force compell you to choose Zenith, to come to me, to see me?"



I walk back to my room, paying close attention to the paintings placed on the walls of the second floor. The one that always catches my eye is of a golden crown, clattering onto the floor, with a sword going through it. The sword is covered in dark blood; some of the blood is dripping onto the crown. In the corner of the painting, a signature is faintly readable.

Arianna Anderson. The Queen must be a painter too. Who would have guessed?

I enter my room, after having breakfast with Death. All I have to do now is wait for the seamstress to show up.

Death told me that today two important things will happen: first, a seamstress will come to take my measurements and help me choose a design for the wedding dress she's creating. Then, Florence will be taking me to this place called 'court', which is where souls are evaluated.

"Hey Lilith," I say as soon as I see her.

"Hi, Lily," she says, "Arachne is actually already here. She's on her way up with Ana and Florence."

"Okay," I say.

I walk towards Lilith and sit down beside her, as I wait for Arachne, the seamstress, and my ladies. Momentarily, they enter the room.

"Oh, hello!" Arachne gushes. "I am Arachne, mother of spiders."

"Spiders?" I ask, disgusted.

"Oh, yes," she says in a raspy voice, "I am the first ever spider. I gave birth to all of them. Then, I was turned human by God and now I'm here."

I nod my head. Arachne looks perfectly human: she has a tall figure, two blue eyes, and long, black hair.

"Well," she adds, "Let's get your measurements done."

Arachne hands my ladies measuring tape. She waves her hand and my clothes disappear off my body, leaving me in my undergarments. I immediately try to cover myself up. My ladies come to me and measure me, forcing me to move my hands this way and that way.

Arachne keeps telling me to stay still or else she or the others may get the wrong measurement and then the dress won't fit. Afterwards, Arachne lets me put my clothes back on.

"So, let's talk about colors," Arachne says, "What color do you want your dress and the bridesmaids' dresses to be?"

"Black," I say.

Arachne looks astonished. "Black?"

"I'm kidding," I say, "I want my dress to be white."

"Oh, you had me frightened for a second," Arachne says, "What about the bridesmaids' dresses?"

"Surprise me," I say.

"Are you- are you sure?" Arachne says, "Perhaps a light blue or maybe lilac or pink. You should choose."

"I'm sure whatever color you decide will look great. You are the seamstress here, not me," I reassure her.

"Yes, but-," Arachne says, before I cut her off.

I reply, "No buts, please. Are we done here?"

"Oh, no," Arachne says, "What about the shape of the dress? What about the neckline? What about the sleeve length?"

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