Chapter Twenty-Five

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Finding Life

Part 26 • Lily

"Come, meet Ellie."

—Lucifer Anderson, The Devil


Sharp pain shoot through my back. It aches to lie on this miserable, rock-hard cot. I can't imagine how I fell asleep last night. Luckily, I did manage to get some much needed sleep.

Drowsy and still feeling sleep deprived, I pull the thin blanket off and sit up. Roughly, I bring up my hands towards my eyes, to massage the sleep away. The only outcome is pain in my left wrist. I completely forgot that I'm chained to the cot.

It doesn't keep me from standing up. The chains are long enough for me to walk around without pulling on it.

I desperately need to escape from this cell. Elliott, who's supposed to be watching me, is gone. Where can he have disappeared to? This can be a sign from God; I'm sure he already knows of my dilemma.

If it is, how can I get out of here? I can't fit through the tiny window, the door has to be locked and I can't transport myself out of here. Will someone realize I'm missing?

I doubt it. With Arden's ability to shape-shift, she must be loving her life as me. I can only hope that Death will notice something off about her. But what if Arden's acting is absolutely perfect?

I'll be stuck here doing whatever Lucifer wants me to do. I cannot let that happen. With fear, I walk up to the door. It's steel gray and there's no window letting me see the outside. I pull and push on the handle; I bang on the door repeatedly, until my hand starts to hurt. I notice red blood stains on my knuckles.

The door is pushed open and I stumble backwards. I trip on my own feet and fly to the hard floor. More pain shoots up and I can't take it anymore. Salty tears stream out with much urge.

"I didn't mean to scare you, Life," Lucifer says, "My apologies. I didn't think you were so fragile."

Everything is a blurry mess. I can't see correctly; I can't think correctly. My mind is going a hundred miles per hour; I keep thinking of possible ways to get out of this place. I can push him and make a run for it; no, it wouldn't work– Lucifer has me chained.

I wipe the tears off my face. "I am not- not fra- fragile. I am simply wishing– wishing that I– I can go home."

My voice cracked about ten times and I stuttered, let's say, every other word. Good job, Life.

"Not very fragile at all," Lucifer says, smiling. "On a happier note, I'm here to unchain you. Let's go on a walk."

"I'd much rather stay here," I reply.

"After marrying Lucinda," he says, "I've learned that chaining people up and keeping them in such a horrid environment is not a good thing."

"So smart," I interrupt.

He glares and continues, "Getting some fresh air will do us all some good. Perhaps, you'll learn to like me more."

"Learn to like my husband's enemy– the man who kidnapped me?" I say, "Do you really think I'm that stupid?"

Without replying, Lucifer walks over to me, with a key in his hand. Rustic and old, just like the cuff, the key glides into the keyhole. With a twist the cuff comes undone and I pull it off.

"Let's go."

Reluctantly, I follow Lucifer out of my cell.


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