Chapter Twelve

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Finding Life

Part 13 • Death

"The fair folk have demon blood running through their pretty veins."

-Death, Master of the AfterLife


Old memories flood back as I lay in bed after chatting and eating with Lily. I smile, remembering our kiss not too long ago, and how this could be a sign that Lily is warming up to me. She didn't pull away quickly and she kissed me back.

However, memories of Esmé cloud my thoughts as I try to forget them. I am no longer bound to Esmé--I am now bound to Lily. She is my bride.

Slowly, I drift off into a much needed sleep.


"Good morning, Lily," I say as she walks out of her room, fully dressed in a pair of jeans and a peach top.

"Good morning," she replies.

Together, in silence, we walk down stairs to the dining hall for breakfast. Lily's ladies follow us, since they'll be having breakfast with us and Thanatos.

Lily and I each sit at opposite sides of the table: her at one end, me at the other. Lilith, Ana and Florence sit next to each other on the right and Thanatos sits on the left side, facing Lilith.

We are served breakfast, and in peaceful silence, we eat.

Soon, everybody is finished. Lily's ladies leave the dining hall after speaking to her and Thanatos leaves to collect souls, by himself.

"Lily," I say while walking up to her.

She looks up at me, as if asking me through her eyes, what?

I say, "I want you to meet my friend, Lana. She really wants to meet you."

"Sure," Lily replies. "Where does she live?"

"In Hespereeds, a city in The Vėrge," I say, "The city is actually named after Lana's granddaughter, Liana Hespereeds."

"The Vėrge?" Lily asks, curiosity glimmering in her emerlad eyes.

I reply, "That is the name of the land between the White Side and the Dark Side. It's a place where Devils and Angels can reside, other than Heaven and Hell."

"Oh," Lily says, "And what is Lana--a Devil or Angel?"

"Devil," I state, "Let's go."

I grab her hand and imagine Lana's grand mansion, the one Lucifer bought for her. In an instant, Lily and I are standing in Lana's living room, with Lana no where to be seen.

"Lana?" I call out, "We're here!"

Soon enough, Lana walks into the room, wearing a long, black dress. Beside her, a girl the age of eighteen,
with large, blue eyes and the palest of skins, just like Lana's, came walking in. Liana Hespereeds.

"I'm so happy that I get to see you before the wedding!" Lana says to Lily, after we all sit down and introductions were made.

"Yeah," Lily says, "I'd say the same to you, too."

Liana, an Angel, sits beside her grandmother, quietly paying attention to the ongoing conversation.

I say, "Liana, how is everything these days? What are you up to?"

Liana glares at me. "Ladon and I are training for an upcoming race. Life is as fine as it could be right now."

"Who's Ladon?" Lily asks.

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