Chapter Nineteen

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Finding Life

Part 20 • Lily

"She may look like an Angel, but I promise you, like the rest of the fair folk, Shaylee Carson has demon blood running through her pretty, innocent-looking veins."

—Death, Master of the AfterLife


"I can't believe you!" I say, "You brought me here, married me, turned me into this immortal being and then cheated on me?"

"I stopped it," Death says.

"You stopped it after it started," I say.

"I'm sorry," Death says, his eyes darting away from me.

"You're sorry?" I mock. "I'm the one whose sorry. I'm sorry your a two-timing bastard that can't make up his fucking mind."

"No, I'm not like that," Death says, "I swear upon the Angel. Løv used her charms on me, that's why I wasn't hesitant to kiss her."

"Do you really think I'll believe your pathetic excuse?" I ask.

"It's the truth, not an excuse," Death says.

I roll my eyes. "Please. She's your
ex-wife, I know you had feelings for her and it's okay if you still do."

"I don't have feelings for anyone but you!" he screams, running his hand through his hair.

I gape at him, wide-eyed, until realizing my mouth is hanging slightly open. Quickly, I close it.

Behind Death, Ana is running into the room.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but Thanatos sent me to tell you something," Ana says.

"Out with it," Death says.

"Queen Audrianne requests both of you to attend her Convocation in the City of Angels," Ana says, "It starts in about five minutes."

"I thought the next Convocation is on the Winter Solstice," I say.

"She can call an emergency Convocation," Death reminds me, "Something must have happened."

"Do you think it's about Lucifer?" I ask.

"It could be, but I'm not even sure if Audrianne knows about what he's planning to do," Death says.

"Whatever it is, we have to go," I say.

Death's hands reach for my own, but before he could touch me, I stand up and back away from the couch. I don't want him touching me.

"I can teleport myself there," I say.

Death nods, not saying anything. In a second, his body starts to evaporate into the air, as he teleports. I close my eyes so that I can do that same thing; I visualize the throne room with it's glass walls and arrangement of thrones.

The darkness comes and goes, so when I open my eyes, I'm standing in the throne room. It looks like everyone is already here, walking around, talking to each other. I see Arianna and her daughter Marine talking to Sapphire; Foster sits on his throne as he speaks to a brown haired lady I've never met.

Death walks up to me, his hands stuffed into the pocket of his pants.

"I'll show you to your throne," Death says, "God made it especially for you a long time ago."

He guides me to a throne that stands right next to his own. The throne is white with green jewels adorning it, like polka dots. There is green velvet on the part where I sit and where my back will rest upon.

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